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Abhishek Gupta for Microsoft Azure

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How to auto scale your Kubernetes apps with Prometheus and KEDA

Scalability is a key requirement for cloud native applications. With Kubernetes, scaling your application is as simple as increasing the number of replicas for the corresponding Deployment or ReplicaSet - but, this is a manual process. Kubernetes makes it possible to automatically scale your applications (i.e. Pods in a Deployment or ReplicaSet) in a declarative manner using the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler specification. By default, there is support for using CPU utilization (Resource metrics) as criteria for auto-scaling, but it is also possible to integrate custom as well as externally provided metrics.

This blog will demonstrate how you can external metrics to auto-scale a Kubernetes application. As an example, we will use HTTP access request metrics that are exposed using Prometheus. Instead of using the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler directly, we will leverage Kubernetes Event Driven Autoscaling aka KEDA - an open source Kubernetes operator which integrates natively with the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler to provide fine grained autoscaling (including to/from zero) for event-driven workloads.

The code is available on GitHub

I would love to have your feedback and suggestions! Feel free to tweet or drop a comment πŸ˜ƒ


Here is a summary of how things work end to end - each of these will be discussed in detail in this section

  • The application exposes HTTP access count metrics in Prometheus format
  • Prometheus is configured to scrape those metrics
  • Prometheus scaler in KEDA is configured and deployed to auto-scale the app based on the HTTP access count metrics

KEDA and Prometheus

Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit which is a part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Prometheus scrapes metrics from various sources and stores them as time-series data and tools like Grafana or other API consumers can be used to visualize the collected data.

KEDA supports the concept of Scalers which act as a bridge between KEDA and an external system. A Scaler implementation is specific to a target system and fetches relevant data from it, which is then used by KEDA to help drive auto-scaling. There is support for multiple scalers(including Kafka, Redis, etc.) including Prometheus. This means that you can leverage KEDA to auto-scale your Kubernetes Deployments using Prometheus metrics as the criteria.

Sample application

The example Golang app exposes an HTTP endpoint and does two important things:

    var httpRequestsCounter = promauto.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
        Name: "http_requests",
        Help: "number of http requests",
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  • In response to a GET request, it also increments a key (access_count) in Redis - this is a simple way of getting some "work done" as a part of the HTTP handler and also helps to validate the Prometheus metrics (should be the same as the value of the access_count in Redis)
    func main() {
        http.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.Handler())
        http.HandleFunc("/test", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
            defer httpRequestsCounter.Inc()
            count, err := client.Incr(redisCounterName).Result()
            if err != nil {
                fmt.Println("Unable to increment redis counter", err)
            resp := "Accessed on " + time.Now().String() + "\nAccess count " + strconv.Itoa(int(count))
        http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
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The application is deployed to Kubernetes as a Deployment and a ClusterIP service is also created to allow the Prometheus server to scrape the app /metrics endpoint.

Here is the manifest for the application

Prometheus server

The Prometheus deployment manifest consists of:

  • ConfigMap to capture Prometheus configuration
  • Deployment for Prometheus server itself
  • ClusterIP service to access the Prometheus UI
  • ClusterRole, ClusterRoleBinding and ServiceAccount to allow for Kubernetes service discovery to work

Here is the manifest for Prometheus setup

KEDA Prometheus ScaledObject

As explained previously, a Scaler implementation acts as a bridge between KEDA and the external system from which metrics need to be fetched. ScaledObject is a custom resource that needs to be deployed in order to sync a Deployment with an event source (Prometheus in this case). It contains information on which Deployment to scale, metadata on the event source (e.g. connection string secret, queue name), polling interval, cooldown period, etc. The ScaledObject will result in corresponding autoscaling resource (HPA definition) to scale the Deployment

When a ScaledObject gets deleted, the corresponding HPA definition is cleaned up.

Here is the ScaledObject definition for our example which uses the Prometheus scaler

kind: ScaledObject
  name: prometheus-scaledobject
  namespace: default
    deploymentName: go-prom-app
    deploymentName: go-prom-app
  pollingInterval: 15
  cooldownPeriod:  30
  minReplicaCount: 1
  maxReplicaCount: 10
  - type: prometheus
      serverAddress: http://prometheus-service.default.svc.cluster.local:9090
      metricName: access_frequency
      threshold: '3'
      query: sum(rate(http_requests[2m]))
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Notice the following:

  • It targets a Deployment named go-prom-app
  • The trigger type is prometheus. The Prometheus serverAddress is mentioned along with metricName, threshold and the PromQL query (sum(rate(http_requests[2m]))) to be used
  • As per pollingInterval, KEDA will poll Prometheus target every fifteen seconds. A minimum of one Pod will be maintained (minReplicaCount) and the maximum number of Pods will not exceed the maxReplicaCount (ten in this example)

It is possible to set minReplicaCount to zero. In this case, KEDA will "activate" the deployment from zero to one and then leave it to HPA to auto-scale it further (the same is done the other way around i.e. scale in from one to zero). We haven't chosen zero since this is an HTTP service and not an on-demand system such as a message queue/topic consumer

Magic behind auto-scale

The threshold count is used to act as the trigger to scale the Deployment. In this example, the PromQL query sum(rate(http_requests[2m])) returns the aggregated value of the per-second rate of HTTP requests as measured over the last two minutes. Since the threshold count is three, this means that there will be one Pod for if value for sum(rate(http_requests[2m])) remains less than three. If it goes up, there will be an additional Pod for every time the sum(rate(http_requests[2m]))increases by three e.g. if the value is between 12 to 14, the number of Pods will be 4

Ok it's time to try it hands-on!


All you need is a Kubernetes cluster and kubectl

Kubernetes cluster - This example uses minikube but feel free to use any other. You can install it using this guide.

To install latest version on Mac:

curl -Lo minikube \
&& chmod +x minikube
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin/
sudo install minikube /usr/local/bin/
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Please install kubectl to access your Kubernetes cluster.

To install latest version on Mac:

curl -LO "$(curl -s"
chmod +x ./kubectl
sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
kubectl version
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Install KEDA

You can deploy KEDA in multiple ways as per the documentation. I am simply using a monolith YAML to get the job done

kubectl apply -f
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KEDA and its components are installed in the keda namespace

To confirm,

kubectl get pods -n keda
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Wait for KEDA operator Pod to start (Running state) before you proceed

Setup Redis using Helm

If you don't have Helm installed, simply use this guide. On a mac, you can get this done quickly using

brew install kubernetes-helm
helm init --history-max 200
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helm init is to initialize the local CLI and also install Tiller into your Kubernetes cluster

kubectl get pods -n kube-system | grep tiller
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Wait for the Tiller Pod to switch to Running state

One Helm is setup, getting a Redis server is as simple as running:

helm install --name redis-server --set cluster.enabled=false --set usePassword=false stable/redis 
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To confirm whether Redis is ready:

kubectl get pods/redis-server-master-0
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Wait for Redis server Pod to start (Running state) before you proceed

Deploy the application

To deploy:

kubectl apply -f go-app.yaml

deployment.apps/go-prom-app created
service/go-prom-app-service created
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Confirm whether its running

kubectl get pods -l=app=go-prom-app
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Wait for applicationPod to start (Running state) before you proceed

Deploy Prometheus server

The Prometheus manifest uses Kubernetes Service Discovery for Prometheus to dynamically detect application Pods based on the service label

    - role: service
    - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_label_run]
      regex: go-prom-app-service
      action: keep
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To deploy:

kubectl apply -f prometheus.yaml

//output created
serviceaccount/default configured created
configmap/prom-conf created
deployment.extensions/prometheus-deployment created
service/prometheus-service created
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Confirm whether its running

kubectl get pods -l=app=prometheus-server
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Wait for Prometheus server Pod to start (Running state) before you proceed

Use kubectl port-forward to access Prometheus UI - you will be able to access Prometheus UI (or API server) at http://localhost:9090

kubectl port-forward service/prometheus-service 9090
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Deploy the KEDA auto-scale config

You need to create the ScaledObject

kubectl apply -f keda-prometheus-scaledobject.yaml
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Check KEDA operator logs

KEDA_POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -n keda -o=jsonpath='{.items[0]}')
kubectl logs $KEDA_POD_NAME -n keda
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you should see

time="2019-10-15T09:38:28Z" level=info msg="Watching ScaledObject: default/prometheus-scaledobject"
time="2019-10-15T09:38:28Z" level=info msg="Created HPA with namespace default and name keda-hpa-go-prom-app"
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Check application Pod - should have one instance running since minReplicaCount was 1

kubectl get pods -l=app=go-prom-app
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Confirm that the HPA resource was created as well

kubectl get hpa
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You should see something like this:

NAME                   REFERENCE                TARGETS     MINPODS   MAXPODS   REPLICAS   AGE
keda-hpa-go-prom-app   Deployment/go-prom-app   0/3 (avg)   1         10        1          45s
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Autoscaling in action...

Sanity test: Access the app

To access the REST endpoint for our app, simply run:

kubectl port-forward service/go-prom-app-service 8080
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You should now be able to access the Go app using http://localhost:8080

To access the endpoint:

curl http://localhost:8080/test
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You should see a response similar to:

Accessed on 2019-10-21 11:29:10.560385986 +0000 UTC m=+406004.817901246
Access count 1
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At this point, check Redis as well. You will see that the access_count key has been incremented to 1

kubectl exec -it redis-server-master-0 -- redis-cli get access_count
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Confirm that the http_requests metric count has is also the same

curl http://localhost:8080/metrics | grep http_requests
# HELP http_requests number of http requests
# TYPE http_requests counter
http_requests 1
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Generate load

We will use hey, a utility program to generate load

curl -o hey && chmod a+x hey
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You can also download it for Linux or Windows

Invoke it as such

./hey http://localhost:8080/test
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By default, the utility sends 200 requests. You should be able to confirm it using the Prometheus metrics as well as Redis

curl http://localhost:8080/metrics | grep http_requests
# HELP http_requests number of http requests
# TYPE http_requests counter
http_requests 201

kubectl exec -it redis-server-master-0 -- redis-cli get access_count
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Confirm the actual metric (returned by the PromQL query)

curl -g 'http://localhost:9090/api/v1/query?query=sum(rate(http_requests[2m]))'
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In this case, the actual result is1.686057971014493 (in value). This is not enough to trigger a scale out since the threshold we have set is 3

Moar load!

In a new terminal, keep a track of the application Pods

kubectl get pods -l=app=go-prom-app -w
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Let's simulate a heavy load with:

./hey -n 2000 http://localhost:8080/test
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In sometime, you will see that the Deployment will be scaled out by the HPA and new Pods will be spun up.

Check the HPA to confirm the same,

kubectl get hpa

NAME                   REFERENCE                TARGETS         MINPODS   MAXPODS   REPLICAS   AGE
keda-hpa-go-prom-app   Deployment/go-prom-app   1830m/3 (avg)   1         10        6          4m22s
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If the load does not sustain, the Deployment will be scaled down to the point where only a single Pod is running

If you check the actual metric (returned by the PromQL query) using

curl -g 'http://localhost:9090/api/v1/query?query=sum(rate(http_requests[2m]))'
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To clean up

//Delete KEDA
kubectl delete namespace keda

//Delete the app, Prometheus server and KEDA scaled object
kubectl delete -f .

//Delete Redis
helm del --purge redis-server

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KEDA allows you to auto scale your Kubernetes Deployments (to/from zero) based on data from external metrics such as Prometheus metrics, queue length in Redis, consumer lag of a Kafka topic, etc. It does all the heavy lifting of integrating with the external source as well as exposing its metrics via a Metrics server for the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler to weave its magic!

That's all for this blog. Also, if you found this article useful, please like and follow πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

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