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#powerfuldevs Conference: Join us on July 15th Online!

JennyMEvents on July 10, 2020

What is the POWERful DEVs Conference? Join us on July 15th for POWERful DEVs Conference, the first virtual conference of its kind. We wi...
donasarkar profile image
Dona Sarkar— #POWERfulDevs Conf

I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow!

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan, Ph.D

Me too - and I hope we get more Power Platform devs joining this community and sharing their insights, learnings and blog posts on the #powerfuldevs tag as well. 🎉

jennymevents profile image


POWERful DEVs will be held at 08:00 PDT on July 15, 2020 until 17:30 PDT. We will live stream the sessions directly on the website, on Microsoft's Learn TV, the Microsoft Developer/Channel 9 YouTube Channel, and encouraging individuals to engage in live chat on Dev.To. Each speaker will go directly to their Dev.To blog post and connect with the audience in a LIVE Ask Me Anything session. Keep Dev.To open on a separate tab or window to continue talking during the entire event!


Dev.To is where you can find all of the relevant resources and connect with your favorite speakers and audience members. Immediately after each session concludes, click the specific session on Dev.To, scroll down to the Discussion portion and engage in a live Question & Answer session with the speakers and your fellow event attendees.


Keep visiting Dev.To to access Additional Resources and stay connected with the POWERful DEVs Conference community. Additional Resources and links are also located on the website under "Agenda." Please continue to follow Channel 9/Microsoft Developer on YouTube where we will be hosting a weekly #LessCodeMorePower video podcast series for developers just like you!


Please email the alias to get technical help, report Code of Conduct issues, or receive non-technical assistance during the event. Use the hashtag #POWERFULDEVS on social. See you online!

raerlyon profile image
Rae Lyon

Welcome to POWERful DEVs Conf! Please feel free to watch live from to see what's coming up next.

garrywma profile image
Garry Whittaker 💙

One of the most important from an ISV/Consultancy point of view is going to be monetisation. How can we monetise an investment in adding our ProDev skills to the Low Code world

donasarkar profile image
Dona Sarkar— #POWERfulDevs Conf

Stress the extensibility of the low-code projects into things that can be super customized for the business with custom connectors into their specific data store AND extending their Power Apps with custom written APIs that you import into APIM.

garrywma profile image
Garry Whittaker 💙

Thanks Dona that makes perfect sense from consultancy POV. From the ISV point of view is there any way of getting paid for reusable components. Feel free to tell me this will be covered in a later session :-)

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mikkelsen2000 profile image
Per Mikkelsen

The monetization story for ISVs are currently focused on apps and not the components that make up the app. Most ISVs that publish apps on have prodev components as part of their lowcode based app.

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garrywma profile image
Garry Whittaker 💙

Thanks Per. I'm hoping that may change in the future.

shaijut profile image
Shaiju T • Edited
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nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan, Ph.D

Thanks do much!! Looking into it 😍

shaijut profile image
Shaiju T

Hi, but still it's broken. No one will fix it ? Because it is linked in many Microsoft power apps posts.

coatsy profile image
Andrew Coates

I love the term Fusion Devs, but do PowerApps only work in the enterprise or can I release a PowerApp that anyone can use?

donasarkar profile image
Dona Sarkar— #POWERfulDevs Conf

No, Power Apps are specifically for internal company usage--this is necessary for security and compliance and especially protecting your data. If you want something to be publicly available, try out Power Apps Portals or Power Virtual Agents. Both are available to the public.

jwillisrose profile image
Jamie Willis-Rose

I missed the earlier sessions. Will they be available on-demand later?

raerlyon profile image
Rae Lyon

A recording of all today's sessions will be available within 48 hours of the completion of the event. We will post the link to the recording here. Please check back!

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