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Presentation Tips for Technical Talks

Tanya Janca on May 31, 2019

In the past two years I've given and watched several technical talks, and they are not all created equal. Recently I met with Teuta H Hyseni to tal...
dillionmegida profile image
Dillion Megida

Thank you Tanya.
I'm having my first technical talk this weekend and I'd say there couldn't be a better article than this sliding through my feed.

I'm going to consider all these with all I've learnt before and I am sure it's going to be a success.

If there's more, I'd honestly love you to add them.

shehackspurple profile image
Tanya Janca

Good luck!!! You're going to be great. :-D

britain profile image
Britain Green

Great tips Tanya! To add to #8, I've always heard it's best to keep keep 3-4 lines max per slide so people don't ignore you while they're trying to take in all of the information on the slide. What are your thoughts on this?

shehackspurple profile image
Tanya Janca

Definitely! "Less is more" has never been so true!

dmerejkowsky profile image
Dimitri Merejkowsky

Nice list of tips. I've made another post that complements yours nicely I think:

abhirockzz profile image
Abhishek Gupta

Thanks for sharing Tanya! :-)

ssimontis profile image
Scott Simontis

Late to the party on this one, but thank you! I give my first tech talk in two weeks and I am very nervous...your tips gave me some confidence to rock that presentation :D

shehackspurple profile image
Tanya Janca

Go forth and kick ass! You can do it!!!!!!!

layzee profile image
Lars Gyrup Brink Nielsen

Very valuable lessons!

fcastillo18 profile image
Franklin Castillo

I'm planning my first talk and these are the kind of advices I was looking for :)

yemanaung profile image
Ye Man Aung

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