Microsoft is sponsoring Codeland Conference again this year. Come join us in the #CodeNewbie Forem Jun 16-17 to jumpstart your learning journey in...
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In the next 30 days I am hoping to finish my weather app with Vanilla JS! I need to learn about APIs so I can use real data, learn about GitHub and hosting, and of course continue to tweak it to perfection.
If you'd like to see my progress here is a twitter update!
Discord - Maria S#0727
I just checked out your project!!! This is awesome and I hope to check in on your progress .. love the fact your are building projects that reflect real data and use cases!
PS. - if you attend my lightning talk tomorrow do stop by after so I can make you a custom sketchnote with this goal. Use it as desktop wallpaper and stay accountable. :-)
Hi Nitya, I would love that! Thank you for checking out my project, I look forward to your lightning talk tomorrow!
I want to finish CS50 !
Working of organizing myself and start using a second brain so I can learn in a better way.
Getting into reading some classic tech books like Don't make me think! and Clean Code
Don't make me think is a classic and the #CS50 series is a great one to take for fundamentals from CS to AI. This is awesome - look forward to seeing your learnings from this
Awesome goal and real cool! Thanks for stopping by!
I am so excited for the lightning talk tomorrow! I am currently going through the fundamentals of Node and Express, but what I would love to finish in the next 30 days is to complete a three.js course. I would really like to jump into learning how to deal with WebGL projects!
Thank you so much - just catching up with alll comments but WebGL is a great goal and career direction as well given all the work going on in the AR/VR space. What three.js course do you recommend for beginners? Do share your learnings as you go and good luck!
Thanks! only about 30 minutes a way! Also add me on Discord and I can send you a link to some SWAG since you are based in the US: Scott Soine#6391
Hi Nitya! Thanks so much for sharing the Microsoft Azure learning paths! I was having a look and I think I will do this one docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/pat... :) seems awesome!
I have a question, can I still get Microsoft swag after I finish this? 🤗
Tagging @scottsoine -- definitely reach on the Codeland discord and I am sure Scott can get you some SWAG.
The offers are for certitication paths you can explore anytime but the swag is from Codeland and Microsoft Developers :-)
Ah ups maybe its only valid for these developer.microsoft.com/en-us/offe... no?
I can't wait for the talk! I'm already working through a Udemy web development course but in the next 30 days I'm hoping to finish through the React.js portion of the course which will set me up with a to-do list, blog website and knowledge with things like authentication, etc.
Discord - alexbourlotos#7116
Woot!! I am a REACT fan myself so I approve of this goal! There is also a great resource on FreeCodeCamp with hands-on projects that may help refine this
PS. if you attend my lightning talk tomorrow do stop by after so I can make you a custom sketchnote with this goal. Use it as desktop wallpaper and stay acccountable. :-)
I would use 30 Days to learn fundamentals of Angular so I can start building projects with it. I'm not sure what I'd build with Angular, but what I might do is take the React versions of projects I've already made and see if I can build them again with Angular.
This is an EXCELLENT goal - if you attend my lightning talk tomorrow do stop by after so I can make you a custom sketchnote with this goal. Use it as desktop wallpaper and stay acccountable. :-)
There are a number of folks on my team who are Angular experts - check out the dev.to/azure organization for more
Learning how to Learn is LIFECHANGING, Barbara knows what she's talking about. I am learning a lot of things but for the next 5 weeks in particular I'm taking part in a free course on the fundamentals of Azure which i'm excited about, I know absolutely nothing right now! I will definitely be using spaced repetition to help my learning along!
I know right? One of my favorite courses of all time! Let me know how your Azure fundamentals journey is going and if we can help. Good luck and hope you also aim for the certification
I am learning UI design from this Youtube video
OOh!! Figma is on my radar as well!! Share your designs and progress as you go!!
I have not tried this myself but I do know the Power Apps team has a lot of good no-code/low-code resources that can help you transform your Figma design into a working application with minimal effort. Check out this if useful
Sure nitya, thanks for your recommendation 🙏 I will surely check it 🤞
Today i have just completed that UI design video course which is perfect for any beginner level learner.
Formula to consume UI design
Wire-frame + Prototype + Mockup = UI Design
Now my current position is very clear i have planned my next moves to design my first creative website UI Design with Lunacy because Figma system requirements are out of my budget so i have arranged this alternative UI Design tool.
Biiiiiiiig thanks for your kind attention 💝
Congratulations 🎉🎉
Thanks Di 🙏
I would use 30 Days to learn fundamentals of Responsive design so I can start design better projects with it.
Definitely a great goal for application. developers targeting multi-platform experiences!! Share any resources you use so others who have the same goal can check it out as well. Do you have a design framework you plan to use to apply the ideas (Material UI or Bootstrap or other?)
On a semi-related note - I have started getting interested in design systems and understanding how large scale applications are constructured at companies like GitHub and Microsoft. You may find these interesting:
Primer at GitHub
Fluent at Microsoft
Awesome! @timdehof feel free to ping me on Discord for some free Codeland SWAG: Scott Soine#6391
Az-200 and Az-204 while playing around on MAUI.
Yess!! Don't forget to check out the #30DaysToLearn it link above and see if any of those challenges can help you (plus gives you a path to certification!)
For MAUI - definitely check out MAUI Community Toolkit
Awesome! both are great and MAUI is fun to play around with! Feel free to ping me in Discord for some free SWAG: Scott Soine#6391
Most definintely will! Thank you!
Learn and understand Python for Web and Linux system monitoring usage as well as for making secure apps.
DSC: aigarspl#7343
There are a bunch of Python resources we shared at Codeland here:
But the Linux system monitoring usage sounds interesting! Good luck
My next 30 days learning plan is to understand and learning about how web3 and blockchain can effect and solve current problem of the tech world. It gonna be really exciting 😍
The topic is definitely a hot one given the amount of controversy around "web3" and what it means - which makes it a perfect target for a deep dive to understand the terms and technologies and separate the substance from the hype. Look forward to seeing your insights shared after you finish your #30Days learning!
For the next 30 days I want to code for a minimum of 20 minutes a day. My goal is to finish reading "Coding for Beginners" by Mike McGrath and go through all of the excercises.
This is exactly what the Barbara Oakley course also recommends - chunked learning with breaks to allow the brain to consolidate and absorb the information. I have not read that book - do consider making a post on what you learned when done!! A great goal too!
PS. - if you attend my lightning talk tomorrow do stop by after so I can make you a custom sketchnote with this goal. Use it as desktop wallpaper and stay accountable. :-)
In the next 30 days I hope to have a solid grasp on nest loops and looping through objects.
This is absolutely the right kind of goal to set if you are starting off with code. Fundamentals matter - thanks so much for sharing!
PS. - if you attend my lightning talk tomorrow do stop by after so I can make you a custom sketchnote with this goal. Use it as desktop wallpaper and stay accountable. :-)
In the next 30 days I'm building a complete webpage using HTML, CSS and JS. I've been using Javascript alone on some projects and the same with HTML and CSS but now that I know how to modify the DOM I'm very excited to use my knowledge.
If you'd like to see my progress you can go to my Twitter twitter.com/mateo_fain
I love this thread you started twitter.com/mateo_fain/status/1537... - and hope you keep continuing to share your journey as you go!! What do you plan to explore after learning HTML/CSS/JS?
Do check out the Progressive Web Apps series right here on dev.to
And then explore Static Web Apps = aka.ms/30DaysOfSWA
Hello, thank you for sharing me those links. After I finish practicing with vanilla JS I'm planning to learn React and Redux and also work on a portfolio project.