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El Bruno for Microsoft Azure

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#SemanticKernel and GPT-4o: Image analysis labs in C#


Introduction to GPT-4o

GPT-4o, developed by OpenAI, represents a significant leap forward in AI technology. Dubbed “omni” for its all-encompassing capabilities, GPT-4o is a multimodal model that can process and generate text, audio, and images.

It’s designed to facilitate more natural human-computer interactions, responding to audio inputs in as little as 232 milliseconds. This model is not only faster but also 50% cheaper to use in the API, making it a cost-effective solution for developers and businesses alike.

Sample GitHub Repository

I decided to test some of the new features, and created this repository with some samples using Semantic Kernel and the new GPT-4o model.

Repository Content

The repo describes the basic steps to set up and utilize the GPT-4o model with .NET. The repository includes sample code, and links to further reading materials.

The initial demo shows how to use GPT-4o to analyze the following image:

rpi shell console showing the rapsberry pi information with the tool neofetch

With the following output:

The image appears to be a screenshot of a terminal window running on a Raspberry Pi device. The user has executed the `neofetch` command with `sudo`, and the terminal displayed system information. Additionally, the `ollama list` command was executed, showing a list of local models.

Here's the breakdown of the terminal output:

### System Information (Neofetch Output)
- **OS:** Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) aarch64
- **Host:** Raspberry Pi 5 Model B Rev 1.0
- **Kernel:** 6.6.20+rpt-rpi-2712
- **Uptime:** 3 mins
- **Packages:** 694 (dpkg)
- **Shell:** bash 5.2.15
- **CPU:** 4 cores @ 2.400GHz
- **Memory:** 640MiB / 8052MiB

### Models List (Ollama List Command Output)
- **llama3:latest**
- **ID:** 71a106a91016
- **Size:** 4.7 GB
- **Modified:** 4 days ago
- **phi3:latest**
- **ID:** a2c89ceaed85
- **Size:** 2.3 GB
- **Modified:** 3 days ago

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

I’ll keep updating the samples with more scenarios.

Happy coding!


El Bruno

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