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Azusa Fukuda
Azusa Fukuda

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English sounding names get more interviews from companies than ethnic names

Do you hear back from the companies you applied? Sadly, your name might be the reason not to get back from them, a study showed. I am minority and started to wonder if I should use an English sound name. Here's what I learned recently.

With the two-year field research, researchers sent 12,000+ job applications to 4000+ job advertisements in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane to see if there is hiring discrimination against six ethnic groups for leadership positions in 12 different occupations.

It turned out that even though they are identical resumes except names, the ethnic name group received 57.4 percent less callbacks than English name resumes for management positions. For non-management positions, ethnic minorities received 45.3 percent less callbacks than the other group.

This study shows that there is hiring discrimination against ethnic minorities. 50 percent less callbacks aren't the number that you can ignore. So, my question to the reader is if you are ethnic minorities and read this article, would you keep your name or do you prefer using English names instead? Why?


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