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Jan Bajena
Jan Bajena

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How to setup Dynamoid in Ruby projects to simplify DynamoDB interactions

Working with DynamoDB in Ruby can be painful compared to how easy it is to configure and use SQL databases via ActiveRecord. Fortunately there's a way to speed things up thanks to Dynamoid gem which introduces ActiveRecord-like abstractions for interacting with DynamoDB.

In this article I'd like to show you how you can fully setup your project to work with Dynamoid.

Local DynamoDB setup

Before we start with Dynamoid itself I'd recommend you to setup DynamoDB locally.
First, start dynamodb-local Docker image.

Next you can play around with your local DDB instance by using the NoSQL Workbench from Amazon:

Dynamoid installation and configuration

After adding gem "dynamoid" to your Gemfile you'll need to configure the gem. If you're using Rails I suggest doing it in an initializer (e.g. in config/initializers/dynamoid.rb file).

You can find the full list of options in Dynamoid's README but here's the config I'm using

require "dynamoid"

Dynamoid.configure do |config|
  # Local DDB endpoint:
  config.endpoint = "http://localhost:8000"

  # Fake AWS credentials for local development purposes:
  config.access_key = "abc"
  config.secret_key = "xyz"
  config.region = "localhost"

  # Do not add prefixes to table names. By default dynamoid uses `dynamoid_#{application_name}_#{environment}` prefix:
  config.namespace = nil

  # Tells Dynamoid to use exponential backoff for batch operations (BatchGetItem, BatchPutItem)
  config.backoff = { exponential: { base_backoff: 0.2.seconds, ceiling: 10 } }

  # Do not add timestamps (created_at, updated_at) fields by default
  config.timestamps = false

  # Store datetimes as ISO-8601 strings by default. Otherwise UNIX timestamps will be used.
  config.store_datetime_as_string = true
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Defining models

Let's say we're building an application for storing lists of flashcards, similar to Flashcard Genius.
In such app there could be a model called FlashcardList with:

  • user_id partition key
  • list_id sort key
  • name attribute
  • created_at attribute

in order to reflect that in Dynamoid model you can define a following class:

class FlashcardList
  include Dynamoid::Document

    name: "flashcard-lists",
    # Defines getters/setters for `user_id` field as well
    key: :user_id

  # Defines getters/setters for `list_id` field as well
  range :list_id, :string

  field :name, :string
  field :created_at, :datetime

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That's it! Now you can read/update your data in a manner similar to ActiveRecord:

[6] pry(main) FlashcardList.create_table(sync: true)
[7] pry(main)> FlashcardList.create(name: "My list", user_id: 1, list_id: "123", created_at:
=> #<FlashcardList:0x00007fb2c1a4ff08
 @attributes={:user_id=>"1", :list_id=>"123", :name=>"My list", :created_at=>Thu, 29 Apr 2021 14:33:15 +0000},
 @attributes_before_type_cast={:user_id=>1, :list_id=>"123", :name=>"My list", :created_at=>Thu, 29 Apr 2021 14:33:15.977495000 UTC +00:00},
 @errors=#<ActiveModel::Errors:0x00007fb2c1a4f210 @base=#<FlashcardList:0x00007fb2c1a4ff08 ...>, @errors=[]>,
 @previously_changed={"user_id"=>[nil, "1"], "list_id"=>[nil, "123"], "name"=>[nil, "My list"], "created_at"=>[nil, Thu, 29 Apr 2021 14:33:15 +0000]},
[8] pry(main)> FlashcardList.create(name: "My list 2", user_id: 2, list_id: "234", created_at:
=> #<FlashcardList:0x00007fb2c1bb5dc0
 @attributes={:user_id=>"2", :list_id=>"234", :name=>"My list 2", :created_at=>Thu, 29 Apr 2021 14:33:25 +0000},
 @attributes_before_type_cast={:user_id=>2, :list_id=>"234", :name=>"My list 2", :created_at=>Thu, 29 Apr 2021 14:33:25.832570000 UTC +00:00},
 @errors=#<ActiveModel::Errors:0x00007fb2c1bb50c8 @base=#<FlashcardList:0x00007fb2c1bb5dc0 ...>, @errors=[]>,
 @previously_changed={"user_id"=>[nil, "2"], "list_id"=>[nil, "234"], "name"=>[nil, "My list 2"], "created_at"=>[nil, Thu, 29 Apr 2021 14:33:25 +0000]},
[9] pry(main)> FlashcardList.import([{ name: "My list 3", user_id: 3, list_id: "456", created_at:}, { name: "My list 4", user_id: 3, list_id: "567", created_at: }])
=> [#<FlashcardList:0x00007fb2c134e6f0
  @attributes={:user_id=>"3", :list_id=>"456", :name=>"My list 3", :created_at=>Thu, 29 Apr 2021 14:34:09 +0000},
  @attributes_before_type_cast={:user_id=>3, :list_id=>"456", :name=>"My list 3", :created_at=>Thu, 29 Apr 2021 14:34:09.230243000 UTC +00:00},
  @changed_attributes={"user_id"=>nil, "list_id"=>nil, "name"=>nil, "created_at"=>nil},
  @attributes={:user_id=>"3", :list_id=>"567", :name=>"My list 4", :created_at=>Thu, 29 Apr 2021 14:34:09 +0000},
  @attributes_before_type_cast={:user_id=>3, :list_id=>"567", :name=>"My list 4", :created_at=>Thu, 29 Apr 2021 14:34:09.230263000 UTC +00:00},
  @changed_attributes={"user_id"=>nil, "list_id"=>nil, "name"=>nil, "created_at"=>nil},
[10] pry(main)> FlashcardList.all
=> #<Enumerator::Lazy: ...>
[11] pry(main)> FlashcardList.all.to_a
=> [#<FlashcardList:0x00007fb2a58ff458 @associations={}, @attributes={:user_id=>"1", :list_id=>"123", :name=>"My list", :created_at=>Thu, 29 Apr 2021 14:33:15 +0000}, @attributes_before_type_cast={:user_id=>"1", :list_id=>"123", :name=>"My list", :created_at=>Thu, 29 Apr 2021 14:33:15 +0000}, @changed_attributes={}, @new_record=false, @previously_changed={}>,
  @attributes={:user_id=>"3", :list_id=>"456", :name=>"My list 3", :created_at=>Thu, 29 Apr 2021 14:34:09 +0000},
  @attributes_before_type_cast={:user_id=>"3", :list_id=>"456", :name=>"My list 3", :created_at=>Thu, 29 Apr 2021 14:34:09 +0000},
  @attributes={:user_id=>"3", :list_id=>"567", :name=>"My list 4", :created_at=>Thu, 29 Apr 2021 14:34:09 +0000},
  @attributes_before_type_cast={:user_id=>"3", :list_id=>"567", :name=>"My list 4", :created_at=>Thu, 29 Apr 2021 14:34:09 +0000},
  @attributes={:user_id=>"2", :list_id=>"234", :name=>"My list 2", :created_at=>Thu, 29 Apr 2021 14:33:25 +0000},
  @attributes_before_type_cast={:user_id=>"2", :list_id=>"234", :name=>"My list 2", :created_at=>Thu, 29 Apr 2021 14:33:25 +0000},
  [12] pry(main)> FlashcardList.delete_table
=> "flashcard-lists"
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Here's a corresponding log of DDB queries produced by the commands above. As you can see Dynamoid freed us from writing these huge ass queries which tidies up the code a lot.

D, [2021-04-29T16:32:23.509266 #43231] DEBUG: [Aws::DynamoDB::Client 200 0.065601 0 retries] create_table(table_name:"flashcard-lists",key_schema:[{attribute_name:"user_id",key_type:"HASH"},{attribute_name:"list_id",key_type:"RANGE"}],attribute_definitions:[{attribute_name:"user_id",attribute_type:"S"},{attribute_name:"list_id",attribute_type:"S"}],billing_mode:"PROVISIONED",provisioned_throughput:{read_capacity_units:100,write_capacity_units:20})

D, [2021-04-29T16:32:23.510232 #43231] DEBUG: (68.0 ms) CREATE TABLE
D, [2021-04-29T16:33:16.025411 #43231] DEBUG -- [Aws::DynamoDB::Client 200 0.046285 0 retries] put_item(table_name:"flashcard-lists",item:{"user_id"=>{s:"1"},"list_id"=>{s:"123"},"name"=>{s:"My list"},"created_at"=>{s:"2021-04-29T14:33:15+00:00"}},expected:{"user_id"=>{exists:false},"list_id"=>{exists:false}})

D, [2021-04-29T16:33:16.026200 #43231] DEBUG -- (47.79 ms) PUT ITEM - ["flashcard-lists", {:user_id=>"1", :list_id=>"123", :name=>"My list", :created_at=>"2021-04-29T14:33:15+00:00"}, {}]
D, [2021-04-29T16:33:25.881593 #43231] DEBUG -- [Aws::DynamoDB::Client 200 0.047884 0 retries] put_item(table_name:"flashcard-lists",item:{"user_id"=>{s:"2"},"list_id"=>{s:"234"},"name"=>{s:"My list 2"},"created_at"=>{s:"2021-04-29T14:33:25+00:00"}},expected:{"user_id"=>{exists:false},"list_id"=>{exists:false}})

D, [2021-04-29T16:33:25.882293 #43231] DEBUG -- (49.18 ms) PUT ITEM - ["flashcard-lists", {:user_id=>"2", :list_id=>"234", :name=>"My list 2", :created_at=>"2021-04-29T14:33:25+00:00"}, {}]
D, [2021-04-29T16:34:09.341679 #43231] DEBUG -- [Aws::DynamoDB::Client 200 0.109989 0 retries] batch_write_item(request_items:{"flashcard-lists"=>[{put_request:{item:{"user_id"=>{s:"3"},"list_id"=>{s:"456"},"name"=>{s:"My list 3"},"created_at"=>{s:"2021-04-29T14:34:09+00:00"}}}},{put_request:{item:{"user_id"=>{s:"3"},"list_id"=>{s:"567"},"name"=>{s:"My list 4"},"created_at"=>{s:"2021-04-29T14:34:09+00:00"}}}}]},return_consumed_capacity:"TOTAL",return_item_collection_metrics:"SIZE")

D, [2021-04-29T16:34:09.342284 #43231] DEBUG -- (111.47 ms) BATCH WRITE ITEM - ["flashcard-lists", [{:user_id=>"3", :list_id=>"456", :name=>"My list 3", :created_at=>"2021-04-29T14:34:09+00:00"}, {:user_id=>"3", :list_id=>"567", :name=>"My list 4", :created_at=>"2021-04-29T14:34:09+00:00"}]]
D, [2021-04-29T16:35:00.258852 #43231] DEBUG -- (0.04 ms) SCAN - ["flashcard-lists", {}]
D, [2021-04-29T16:35:00.283511 #43231] DEBUG -- [Aws::DynamoDB::Client 200 0.023691 0 retries] describe_table(table_name:"flashcard-lists")

D, [2021-04-29T16:35:00.305328 #43231] DEBUG -- [Aws::DynamoDB::Client 200 0.020683 0 retries] scan(table_name:"flashcard-lists",scan_filter:{},attributes_to_get:nil)

D, [2021-04-29T16:36:50.309800 #43231] DEBUG -- [Aws::DynamoDB::Client 200 0.057094 0 retries] delete_table(table_name:"flashcard-lists")

D, [2021-04-29T16:36:50.310466 #43231] DEBUG -- (58.15 ms) DELETE TABLE
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Development environment setup

First create a following file:

class Dev::DynamoidSetup
  # List all your Dynamoid models here:
  DYNAMOID_MODELS = [FlashcardList].freeze

  class << self
    def create_tables

      DYNAMOID_MODELS.each do |m|
        puts "Creating table: #{m.table_name}..."
        m.create_table(sync: true)

    def delete_tables

      DYNAMOID_MODELS.each do |m|

    def check_env!
      return if Rails.env.development? || Rails.env.test?

      raise "Do not run on production envs!"
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Now you can use Dev::DynamoidSetup.create_tables to automatically setup all required tables in dev environment.

You could optionally wrap it in a rake task and call it like bundle exec rake setup_dynamodb:

desc "Sets up DDB tables for local development"
task setup_dynamodb: :environment do
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Test environment (RSpec) setup

Once you have your development environment ready it's time to configure the tests.

First in spec_helper.rb add a following hook:

config.before(:suite) do
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This'll make sure there are no leftover tables from previous suite runs. In CI you could optionally skip this line as DynamoDB container should always be fresh there.

Then in order to manipulate the data in tables during the specs - I suggest having shared contexts for each table and including them only in the specs that really need access to a given table.

Check out e.g. this one:

RSpec.shared_context "uses_flashcard_lists_table" do
    around do |example|
      FlashcardList.create_table(sync: true)

RSpec.describe FlashcardList do
  include_context "uses_flashcard_lists_table"

  it "stores data in the DDB table" do
    expect { FlashcardList.create(name: "My list 3", user_id: 3, list_id: "456") }.to change(FlashcardList, :count).by(1)
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Hope you found this article useful. Also if you had already used Dynamoid in your projects before don't hesitate to comment about your approaches.

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Top comments (3)

bparanj profile image
Bala Paranj

I am getting the following error:

FlashCard.create_table(sync: true)

[Aws::DynamoDB::Client 0 25.574181 10 retries] list_tables(exclusive_start_table_name:nil) Seahorse::Client::NetworkingError Connection reset by peer

/usr/share/rvm/rubies/ruby-3.0.2/lib/ruby/3.0.0/socket.rb:452:in `__read_nonblock': Connection reset by peer (Seahorse::Client::NetworkingError)

Any ideas on how to fix it?

bparanj profile image
Bala Paranj

Used the docker-compose.yml file provided by localstack. It now works!

philsmy profile image
Phil Smy

I feel like I am missing to create the tables in the Production environment?

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The Next Generation Developer Platform

Coherence is the first Platform-as-a-Service you can control. Unlike "black-box" platforms that are opinionated about the infra you can deploy, Coherence is powered by CNC, the open-source IaC framework, which offers limitless customization.

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