Hey awesome dev community,
I found this really cool course on Pluralsight and I wanted to show it to you guys, It's also very short (30 mins). Go check it out.
Course Link:
Github Link:
Original Apollo 11 Guidance Computer (AGC) source code for the command and lunar modules.
Original Apollo 11 guidance computer (AGC) source code for Command Module (Comanche055) and Lunar Module (Luminary099). Digitized by the folks at Virtual AGC and MIT Museum. The goal is to be a repo for the original Apollo 11 source code. As such, PRs are welcome for any issues identified between the transcriptions in this repository and the original source scans for Luminary 099 and Comanche 055, as well as any files I may have missed.
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md before opening a pull request.
If you…
As always,
Happy coding 🔥🔥
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Top comments (1)
Here's the program printed out for reference. Margaret Hamilton is one of the most accomplished female software engineers in history, I wish more people knew of her. She was one of the first people to propose that we treat software as an engineering discipline and approach it from a systems design angle.