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Cover image for My First Rails App
Bianca Charlotin
Bianca Charlotin

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My First Rails App

This blog post will be discussing the process of completing my third flatiron coding project. It will go into detail on the project I created and the difficulties I encountered.

This project focused on using Rails (a Ruby framework) and developing a web application. Since my last project was more social media-focused, I wanted to create something game-related this time around. So I developed a Game review site.

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Just like in Sinatra we were introduced to ULR's, GET and POST requests, etc. However, this time around, since Rails is fitted for a larger web application we got cool new features like its generator property that pre-populated your rails app with models, migrations, views, and helpers needed for the project, my favorite was "rails g resource ...".

This project consisted of building an app that had Rails associations, which is a connection between two Active Record models. Allowing users to signup, log in through the app, or through a third-party signup/login (OmniAuth), and the ability to log out. Some methods required were the use of Scope and helper methods within the app. I will be going into each of these requirements below.

  1. Rails associations: This part was what I wrote out first to make sure I had models that could create the associations needed for this project -Include at least one has_many relationship -Include at least one belongs_to relationship -Include at least two has_many through relationships

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  1. Log In/Sign Up: This was one of the harder requirements
    because we needed to include a way to log in or sign up
    through a third party. I used Omniauth to include this
    feature. This article helped me set it up, and retrieve the

    user information need to log/sign them.

    Omniauth Article Link:

  2. Helper Methods: A helper is a method that has reusable code,

    which can be applied to many different places in your rails
    app (primarily Controllers and Views).Rails also come with
    a set of built-in helper methods. I used 2 helper methods,
    which I defined in my Rails-App/app/helpers/application_helper.rb file.

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Then I placed a line of code in my Applications Controller, to make sure my helper method could be used on all controllers or views "include ApplicationHelper"

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Here is an example of how the current_user is being used. The screenshot below is of my navigation. I used an if statement to call current_user to make sure there was a current user or user was logged in (I could have also used the logged_in? helper too). This is so that users can see a different nav depending on if you are logged in or not.

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Scope: Adds a class method for retrieving and querying objects. I use Scope to alphabetize my games by their titles. Scopes are defined in the model that they are used for. Below is an examples of a scope in the games model.

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This is how the scope is being called in the games controller

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This is the Result: The games are now in alphabetic order

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One of the most difficult things about learning Rails is that there are a lot of moving parts, so things can get messy quickly. With so many views, and models, and associations it can get confusing at times. So some tips that I learned along the way are 1. stay organized by tackling one model and it's views at a time. 2. byebug and binding.pry are lifesavers, so be sure to uses these gems if you are stuck.

Top comments (1)

pierminatorq_74 profile image

excellent presentation !!!! did you use a gem (like devise) for your authentication?