DEV Community

Ben Halpern
Ben Halpern

Posted on

Anybody still working with jQuery?

jQuery was the dominant library in front end web development not too long ago.

The industry has largely moved on from jQuery for greenfield projects, but I’m sure plenty of folks are still maintaining jQuery projects.

So I’m curious to hear about your use cases and plans for the future.

Latest comments (72)

noriellecruz profile image
Norielle Cruz • Edited

Actually most of the modern PHP scripts are still using jQuery. Just check the hottest PHP scripts on codecanyon.

sunnymakode profile image

Been using Angular for a while, the funny thing is all those famous nitty npm packages we use in angular are only a wrapper over jquery libraries.

You can open your node_modules folder from angular project and
open any js file to see it first hand.

My personal favourite is **bootstrap **package and inside it's js file you will find most of jquery code been wrapped and put to use.

agronick profile image
Kyle Agronick • Edited

I just did a 36,000 line rewrite from jQuery server rendered Django to Vue SPA + Django with Django simply acting as a REST API. It was a massive undertaking and probably the biggest single hurdle I've had in my career. Lots of late nights at the office. The end result is a pleasure to work in and the users seem to prefer it as well.

rhymes profile image

DEV is :P

<script src=""
  integrity="sha256-FgpCb/KJQlLNfOu91ta32o/NMZxltwRo8QtmkMRdAu8=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<%= javascript_include_tag "s3_direct_upload" %>


My plan for the future is to switch to ActiveStorage :D

webdeasy profile image

I still use jquery for many projects. It is so easy to integrate and many commands are just so deep in my head.
It's fast and good.

A saying describes it quite well: "Never stop a running system! :)

lepinekong profile image
lepinekong • Edited

Internet is very biaised because those who blog are naturally the ones who are the people to keep up with latest frameworks. But there are a huge number of legacy developers you never see online especially in big corps who are still coding in jquery, though more and more have switched to at least angular.

vladimir_dev profile image • Edited

I work at a small company that still uses Bootstrap + jQuery, because it works with solutions that have been built a while ago so making big changes would be a big job.

Personally I don't think it's much of a big deal.
Just because it's not necessarily needed, doesn't mean using it hurts.

gsto profile image
Glenn Stovall • Edited

Occasionally, I work on marketing sites with dynamic content. Just about every theme out there is going to have jQuery already, and it's simple to use.

I know you can do just about anything it can do with vanillaJS, but still I'd rather write




And just this morning, I was debating whether an internal page with an AJAX form should be a bit of jQuery or a React component. I could make a case for each.

tundeondotnet profile image
Akeem Aweda

I am even creating new projects on jQuery because it gives me more flexibility that others have not demonstrated. I have been eying vue though, but looking for a way to do common stuff like modal, datatables, datetime etc. Because I haven't seen it as easy as jquery libraries, I ignored.

ahmedmusallam profile image
Ahmed Musallam • Edited

Yes! I work exclusively with Adobe Experience Manager (AEM). It’s an enterprise CMS with a significant market share among Fortune 500 companies. AEM uses jQuery extensively. But more importantly, 99% of implementations I’ve seen rely on jQuery; mainly because Adobe uses it and because everyone is familiar with it.

I love jQuery. It’s a fantastic tool that give you great freedom . And with great freedom comes great responsibility, that is to write clean and maintainable code.

Also, would love your thoughts on this:

briankephart profile image
Brian Kephart

Our public website uses Bootstrap, so I'm using it until we get around to redesigning the site. Using jQuery and Webpack together feels odd, though.

The site was originally built on Rails 5.0, just before they dropped the jQuery dependency in 5.1.

For our employee dashboard I use StimulusJS, which is great for the minimal dynamic features that we need. I'll probably use it for the public site as well whenever we redesign it.

marvindanig profile image
Marvin Danig

I use jQuery and pure javascript both, depending on project and need.

I'd never recommend using React or Vue or any other library that tries to arm-wrestle open web standards. React is fancy, no doubt, but the aim of these corporation backed projects is to hurt and stifle making of the web standards. Call it names and displace: simplicity, accessibility and openness of the web with a view that supports a closed garden of their own.

Also, React/Vue projects are terrible at accessibility, maintainability and are expensive to maintain.

jpychan profile image
Jenny Chan

Yes, my company is. The code base is 8+ years old. None of the JS frameworks were out yet.

There's a lot of front-end interactivity that would be a lot easier if we moved to a front-end framework. We do want to use them, but it's a matter of balancing cost of rewriting, releasing new features and not breaking the old stuff.

jamiekaren profile image
Jamie Ferrugiaro

I don’t know about this, but I’m currently taking a coding bootcamp at Rutgers University and it’s on our curriculum. In fact I think we’re starting it on Sat.

cathodion profile image
Dustin King • Edited

I'm working on dusting off the code for a side project that was in an old version of Bootstrap that required jQuery. Would use it again.

The DOM has native APIs for doing a lot of what jQuery does now, but last I checked jQuery was a lot more succinct, which means less code to write and less code to maintain than "vanilla". I think React might have it beat for intuitiveness though.

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