DEV Community

Discussion on: The Idea of Lisp

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Ben Halpern

Every time I read about Clojure, I get interested in trying it out, and I never end up doing that. I'm thinking ClojureScript is going to be my entry point. I've seen David Nolen show off some of the ideas, tools, etc., which definitely has me excited.

ericnormand profile image
Eric Normand

Another good one is ClojureScript for Skeptics by Derek Slager.

coopsource profile image
Co-op Source

I've written code in almost every language in use today and many long since forgotten. I was exposed to LISP in grad school (CS) but couldn't get past the parens and odd fn names (car cdr etc.) My lasting impression was of a powerful language (solved nine puzzle very easily) but that it was awkward to work with.

I've since learned Clojure and am a complete convert. On so many levels Clojure got it right, especially forgoing the awkward fns and adding array/map syntax support. It isn't perfect but it's rigor and reach are unparalleled in any other language.

I strongly recommend giving it another try. If you need help the community is very open and helpful. Also, tooling has greatly improved. Tip: if you aren't already an emacs developer, try Cursive.