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Ben Halpern
Ben Halpern

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How long does it typically take to be productive in a new job?

Latest comments (49)

jschleigher profile image
James Schleigher

I'd say it depends on your work experience. When I had just graduated from university, it took a while for me to adapt to the work environment and be productive. After I changed my job, it didn't take long to become productive. Over time, I learned that using task management software can help me get more organized. I haven't tried a lot of tools but definitely check out Todoist, Wrike, and Quire.

peterwitham profile image
Peter Witham

This one is tricky because it depends on a few things.

  1. Can existing team members able to answer your questions
  2. Are there any SME still around to use as a reference
  3. How good is the company onboarding
  4. Has the company provided everything you need to get up and running

But I'd say if you are not being productive after two weeks (depending on the role) then there is a problem somewhere that needs addressing.

stegriff profile image
Ste Griffiths

Controversial opinion; I think anyone can be "productive" on day one by finding and fixing holes in the setup documentation, the wiki, the install scripts.

Productive doesn't mean writing code. You're adding value by following setup steps and bringing them up to date, and new hires are the best placed people to update docs that don't make sense!

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

Seems to take about 6 months to start having enough institutional knowledge to make meaningful headway (or, at least, as much headway as a given org's peculiarities will allow for).

ryantenorio profile image

I think it depends on how you are measuring right?
Coming off of a year leave it wasn't until a couple months in that I felt ready to be integrated into our sprints. However during those couple months I was reviewing code and team practices and providing value by asking questions about things and understanding how things work. The outsider-looking-in portion of on-boarding brings immense value to a team in terms of identifying blind spots or ways that weren't considered initially if the on-boarding is done thoughtfully and intentionally.

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

I think that 3 to 6 months depending on the project and the company.

joehobot profile image
Joe Hobot

It depends on what it is but I would say first 3 months are cluster f... so somewhere between 6-9 months is usually onboarding part where people get comfy with the infrastructure, coworkers and the whole vibe at work.

lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

When I started, I made my first contribution to production within a week. My manager liked that so much that he tasked my team and me to steamline the onboarding process so every new team member could be productive within a week.

darrenvong profile image
Darren Vong • Edited

I think this depends on a lot of factors. For a developer, these are a few factors I can think of:

  • The complexity of the product/codebase
  • Documentation/tests that are available
  • Mentorship availability
  • Maturity of tooling that have been set up
  • Personal experience level with coding generally

The third point is quite important for products that are quite complex, and can really slow you down if you have to figure out most of the context yourself as opposed to being given guidance on where to start etc.

I find good tooling can help eliminate a lot of mistakes and give you more mental capacity to focus on learning about the codebase, rather than having to worry about potentially shipping code with your changes that might break things.

To answer the main question, from personal experience, I'd say somewhere between a month to six months 😅

jacoby profile image
Dave Jacoby

I've been in the new position for six months. The first three included Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years', and the associated away-time, it was all remote, and I really felt alone.

The current plague forced the issue of creating a home hacking shrine and made some changes with the organization as a whole, so I can say it was 4-5 months before I felt productive here.

I think I felt it earlier in my past jobs but I honestly don't remember.

urielbitton profile image
Uriel Bitton

For me I've been a freelancer for the majority of my web dev career, but the one time i worked for a firm, it took about 1 week to become productive and get a feel of what the company needs and its goals.

I feel like you can only become productive once you understand their needs and goals, otherwise you're working aimlessly.

xanderyzwich profile image
Corey McCarty

I committed a fix in my first week on the job. Small, well defined problems made it possible.

codebyjustin profile image

Usually takes a Month to get up to speed.

nirebu profile image
Nicolò Rebughini

Going to start a new Ruby developer position in a couple of days. Will come back when I have more data 😁

andrewharpin profile image
Andrew Harpin

Too many variables