Meme Monday!
Today's cover image comes from last week's thread.
DEV is an inclusive space! Humor in poor taste will be downvoted by mods.
Meme Monday!
Today's cover image comes from last week's thread.
DEV is an inclusive space! Humor in poor taste will be downvoted by mods.
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Hahaha! This is Sponge-Gold!
It really is that simple
Yup! Without it, the whole business would go to sleep.
Same here, my GEForce is a real slacker hey! That lazy piece of silicon only barely opens one eye when I go searching for stuff in FF with ten windows open and 60 tabs ave per window, while Chrome is dancing to the tunes of Localhost servers in debug mode!
Not understood
Hi Pooja,
It's just my way of joking, meaning the NVIDEA GeForce graphics card in my gaming laptop is doing very little work when I do web development work on my localhost environment (web servers), using Chrome and Firefox Developer edition. (barely opening an eye = always sleeping while the other hardware is working)
I monitor the PC's resources via Windows Task Manager. Only the RAM and main CPU cores are used and working quite hard, RAM usage is especially high when I have many Firefox browser windows open searching for coding solutions, keeping articles open to read, etc. (a joke about me struggling to find answers to my dev problems)
If the GeForce's (GPU) processors and memory could be utilized by more of the applications and processes, the main CPU and system RAM would be able to do other things.
I hope it helps you understand this better. :-)
I see you are quite busy on LeetCode. Good going! I was only vaguely aware of the platform.
Here's an interesting article about LeetCode, which I read to educate myself with a bit more.
Maybe, if you have time and want to, you can describe and share more about the problems vs the solutions you came up with to help us here on DEV. I'm sure others will find it informative and handy and you can teach us the "What" and "How" of solving algorithms?
And because I suspect Gujarati is probably a good bet to go with in Ahmedabad;
હાય પૂજા,
તે મારી મજાક કરવાની રીત છે. જ્યારે હું ક્રોમ અને ફાયરફોક્સ ડેવલપર એડિશનનો ઉપયોગ કરીને મારા લોકલહોસ્ટ એન્વાયર્નમેન્ટ (વેબ સર્વર્સ) પર વેબ ડેવલપમેન્ટ વર્ક કરું છું ત્યારે મારા ગેમિંગ લેપટોપમાં NVIDEA GeForce ગ્રાફિક્સ કાર્ડ બહુ ઓછું કામ કરી રહ્યું છે. (ભાગ્યે જ આંખ ખોલવી = જ્યારે અન્ય હાર્ડવેર કામ કરી રહ્યું હોય ત્યારે હંમેશા સૂવું)
હું Windows ટાસ્ક મેનેજર દ્વારા PC ના સંસાધનોનું નિરીક્ષણ કરું છું. ફક્ત RAM અને મુખ્ય CPU કોરોનો ઉપયોગ કરવામાં આવે છે અને ખૂબ જ સખત મહેનત કરે છે, જ્યારે મારી પાસે કોડિંગ સોલ્યુશન્સ શોધવા માટે ઘણી Firefox બ્રાઉઝર વિન્ડો ખુલ્લી હોય, વાંચવા માટે લેખો ખુલ્લા રાખવા વગેરે હોય ત્યારે RAM નો ઉપયોગ ખાસ કરીને વધારે હોય છે. મારી દેવ સમસ્યાઓ)
જો વધુ એપ્લિકેશનો અને પ્રક્રિયાઓ GeForce (GPU) પ્રોસેસર્સ અને મેમરીનો ઉપયોગ કરી શકે છે, તો મુખ્ય CPU અને સિસ્ટમ RAM અન્ય વસ્તુઓ કરવા માટે સક્ષમ હશે.
મને આશા છે કે તે તમને આને વધુ સારી રીતે સમજવામાં મદદ કરશે. :-)
હું જોઉં છું કે તમે LeetCode પર ખૂબ વ્યસ્ત છો. સારું ચાલે છે! હું પ્લેટફોર્મ વિશે માત્ર અસ્પષ્ટપણે વાકેફ હતો.
અહીં એક લીટકોડ વિશે રસપ્રદ લેખ છે. જે મેં મારી જાતને થોડી વધુ શિક્ષિત કરવા માટે વાંચ્યું છે.
કદાચ, જો તમારી પાસે સમય હોય અને તમે ઇચ્છો તો તમે DEV પર અહીં અમને મદદ કરવા માટે તમે જે ઉકેલો લઈને આવ્યા છો તે સમસ્યાઓ વિ. વિશે વધુ વર્ણન અને શેર કરી શકો છો. મને ખાતરી છે કે અન્ય લોકોને તે માહિતીપ્રદ અને સરળ લાગશે અને તમે અમને અલ્ગોરિધમ્સ ઉકેલવાનું "શું" અને "કેવી રીતે" શીખવી શકો છો?
Hello sir, I understand both languages, I am glad that you messaged me and You want to know about detailed solution of leetcode right?
Actually I am uploading my solution here with question link; so the description of the question is not described by me here in my post; so that my post visitors can solve that question directly by visiting that link which I mentioned below in every solutions!!!
And I want to know that am i right for my above reply?
Or you want to understand that how my code is working for particular questions!?
Thank you for replying Miss Patel. And please, I'm no English lord or something, so calling me Andre is 100% fine. Yes, I know it is your culture and I respect that. So use what ever makes you feel comfortable :-) Forgive me if I caused offence by using your first name.
I appreciate your explanation about how you do your posts about your example solutions in LeetCode. What I did discover in the article I shared was that very few people explain their rationale and approach to their solutions, even on LeetCode itself. Even fewer comment back on each other's posts there. I thought it might help to give your post contributions here on DEV more traction and interest should they have a "Problem-Solution-Discussion" approach.
So yes, to answer your last question, I think it would be valuable when you show us what the particular problem is, why it exists, etc., and how you went about solving it. My standard approach to finding and providing answers to this type of technical explanations to myself is to create a scenario, or a "story line" if you will, using for example the following question types as an introduction:
What is the problem?
Where do we find/use them?
Why do they exist/get created?
When do they typically come into play?
and then
How to best solve it, depending on one or more of the "W-questions" that may need answering.
I trust my crude explanation is somewhat comprehensible.
Okay sir, I will try to answer as well as will also change my content type ; like Now i am posting only solutions but then I will try to explain these doubts also👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
""" What is the problem?
Where do we find/use them?
Why do they exist/get created?
When do they typically come into play?
and then
How to best solve it, depending on one or more of the "W-questions" that may need answering. """
and will put it on my blog posts!
And Thanks to you for helping me for this blog posts content improvement!
Oh, great, I'm glad I could be of some help.
I'll definitely go and have a look!
Thank you for letting me know too, Miss Pooja.
the PC would be hanged!
It is the same thing. Don't stress me, please!
Edit: I know that, in python, you can just type
print("Hello World!")
. But, I don't think that would constitute a fair comparison, know what I am sayin'? I also know aboutcstdio
vsstd, nice explanation!
2nd one is C right?
Well yes, but actually no.
is a c function, but you can use it in c++ by importing thecstdio
c header file. So, it is a validc++
program usingc
functions.Oh. Thanks for the explanation!
hello world in bf: 💀
first learn Python and then Cpp
Lol but it ain't that deep
then it's the developer's mistake that she/he uploaded password on the github
Thanks for this comment, I thought it's database's mistake that github upload user on the password.
But also keyboards can rest............if the keyboard model is this👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
Everyone likes this new show so this meme should preform well?
Last time I encountered CORS and CSP errors was before deploying my app for MongoDB hackathon. Man! it was a nightmare 😭. I'm thinking of reading the whole MDN docs on HTTP to take my revenge 😠.
This wont help anyone :D
CORS for babies 👶
Adam Crockett ・ Jan 4 ・ 1 min read
Why yes I'm a full stack developer, how did you guess?
Michel Angelo Batio would have been a good choice for this meme. 😆

Did not understood!
I can imagine.....the stages .......from the guitar
I was so happy the day I saw a dev i follow on you tube say "Now I've been away for two weeks I have forgotten everything about my project". It's nice not to feel alone
Wow! the developer is not beginner, is professional🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Break the handle.........🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The AI generated hand in the last panel is a master stroke
If the human can't write perfect code and perfect sql queries then AI is also developed by Human, How can AI write the perfect code or query?
How can the human expect from AI and ML😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Hmm, people copying things from r/ProgrammingHumor?
As it is costume here sir