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My physical and mental fitness momentum heading into 2021

Ben Halpern on December 03, 2020

I wrote a quick post on @leewynne's new Forem Flowstate on how I'm doing with personal health and fitness, and I'll be keeping up with my progress ...
simonholdorf profile image
Simon Holdorf

Funny, I've never been healthier and fitter since working from home 100% the time :D I love to work out, lift weights, and go for a run. Let's motivate each other on Flowstate, I've just created an account :)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

For me, the first part of the pandemic coincided with a lot of work we had to do with Forem. Getting over some humps with work stuff has really allowed me to focus on fitness in a really healthy way. Going forward I really hope I can avoid scenarios where I don't maintain a healthy enough balance.

juanfrank77 profile image
Juan F Gonzalez

I think is the same for me hahaha. I lost my progress in the first months of the pandemic but now I'm in better shape than ever!

swyx profile image

nice work Ben!

i've also gotten serious about health in the second half of the year too.for me, it was getting a trainer, that really helped me be disciplined, at the cost of money. fortunately i have the means to make that tradeoff.

stu profile image
Stu Finn

Love seeing this post!

I am right there with ya. Was in the worst shape of my life until September, when I saw a post from another dev that motivated me to spend the last year of my 30s getting into shape.

3 months in and I am on the best shape of my life and planning to keep it that way. Maybe I’ll have to hop over to Flowstate too...

leewynne profile image

Hop over! The water is lovely and warm, unless you love cold showers 🥶

heikokanzler profile image
Heiko Kanzler 🇪🇺

With the pandemic (which let us here Spain in a compete lockdown) I started with a small and very cheap excercise bike at home... over the months a rowing machine was added (again, a 80€ buy from Facebook market) and now I think I am bit addicted. It’s not that I lost weight that much or gained that Jason Stratham body, it just feels so good.
(Fun fact: I just came from a quick rowing session 😂)

shadowphoenix profile image

Nicely going there Ben! I'm hitting up the swimming pool myself for the first time in 6 or 8 years. For some reason that works better for me than the gym, but everyone their own! As long as we keep moving.

itsasine profile image
ItsASine (Kayla)

Getting a remote-first job at the tail end of October has motivated me to actually get my WFH routines in better shape around things like health and fitness. I've already leveraged Black Friday-ish deals to get better eating habits going for 2021. Depending on how that goes, then I'll add in exercise haha Better to change one thing at a time than to burn out trying to do everything at once.

juanfrank77 profile image
Juan F Gonzalez

Yeah definitely 100%
Better to start with one little thing and then change another later than to be overly ambitious from the start. I've made that mistake several times already 😅

jeffthorsen777 profile image
Jeff Thorsen • Edited

I often go to the gym. And recently I decided to do weightlifting. My friend recommended me to learn more about this kind of sport. After all, you can harm the body without calculating the load and exercise. He showed me the article so I could learn more about it. I hope I will see the results very soon.

leewynne profile image

Great post Ben. I suffer from polarities. I'll go on a massive fitness and nutrition drive for 3 months, no sugar, no crap - train like a maniac, then I use it as a passport to then eat what I want for another few months.

I am getting better at it. I am also learning that certain situations act as a trigger for my peaks and troughs, the more I recognise and manage the disturbance the better I am getting at just trying to be well balanced.

yaser profile image
Yaser Al-Najjar

Love to see the motivation about this topic cuz we, devs, have great simple routine: eat, code, sleep, repeat 😆

After 8 months, they opened the gym, and the news were shocking for me when I checked my body fats going from 11% into 18% 😐 it really SUCKS!

I got back in the game two weeks ago (I hope they don't close again).

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Quick plug for the Forem browser extension now that more of these Forems are rolling out....

Coming in 2021: Forem mobile app, and Forem shared authentication options.

leewynne profile image

Using this now as a consistent part of my workflow, love it

mscccc profile image
Mike Coutermarsh

We could have been talking about barbells this entire time?!! 😎

I’m building a basement gym now too.

And yes 100%, I also notice my work is best when my body is feeling best.

mccurcio profile image
Matt Curcio

Hey Ben,
I feel terrible when I am stuck in inside yet with this covid 'thang' it is too easy to give myself an out. My strategy now is I tell myself 'I always feel better afterward.'

leewynne profile image

Yep and if you can get in your flowstate whilst training you’ll always come back for more

madza profile image
Madza • Edited

I often find solutions in code I initially gave up after coming back from running/biking exercises 😉 So it's obvious, they are great both for the body and mind 💯

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Yup, 100%. And yet it's still not always enough for me to commit to it.

margo_hdb profile image
Margo McCabe

Agreed, I feel so much better after activity, and I think a lot of people are in the same boat with letting it slide over the last few months. Thanks for sharing!

biranchinarayan profile image

Now in this situation we should try to be healthy . A great way for that by home excercise. Good work. Man.

emma profile image
Emma Goto 🍙

Awesome! Lots of people start their fitness goals anew on Jan 1, it's a great mentality to have to not put things off until that date.

catchase profile image

Great article!