
Who's looking for open source contributors? (March 18th edition)

Ben Halpern on March 18, 2019

Find something to work on or promote your project here.

Please shamelessly promote your project. Everyone who posted in previous weeks is welcome back this week, as always. 😄

Happy coding!

thepassle profile image
Pascal Schilp • Edited

If you're interested in web components, we'd love your helping hand for open-wc:

open-wc / open-wc

Open Web Components provides a set of defaults, recommendations and tools to help facilitate your Web Component.

Open-wc Logo

Open Web Component Recommendations

Open Web Components provides a set of defaults, recommendations and tools to help facilitate your web component project. Our recommendations include: developing, linting, testing, building, tooling, demoing, publishing and automating.

CircleCI BrowserStack Status Renovate enabled


# in a new or existing folder:
npm init @open-wc
# requires node 10 & npm 6 or higher

This will kickstart a menu guiding you through all available actions.

$ npm init @open-wc
npx: installed 14 in 4.074s
What would you like to do today
  > Scaffold a new project
    Upgrade an existing project
    Nah, I am fine thanks! => exit


For more details please visit us at


Package Version Description
building-rollup building-rollup Default configuration for working with rollup.
building-webpack building-webpack Default configuration for working with webpack.
chai-dom-equals chai-dom-equals Chai Plugin to compare dom and shadow dom trees. Part of open-wc recommendations.
create create Scaffold web components following open-wc recommendations.
demoing-storybook demoing-storybook Storybook configuration following

Open Web Components provides a set of defaults, recommendations and tools to help facilitate your web component project. Our recommendations include: developing, linting, testing, building, tooling, demoing, publishing and automating.

alangdm profile image
Alan Dávalos

I'm interested in helping, what would be a good place to start?

thepassle profile image
Pascal Schilp

There's some active issues on the github repo that could use some input, comments or help, alternatively you can find us at the Polymer Slack

pranavpandey profile image
Pranav Pandey • Edited

A complete library to build Android apps with a built-in theme engine.

pranavpandey / dynamic-support

A complete library to build Android apps with a built-in theme engine.

Dynamic Support

License Build Status Download

A complete library to build apps for Android 14+ (ICS or above) devices with a built-in theme engine. It is built on top of the latest app compat library to provide best compatibility.

Since v2.0.0, it uses AndroidX so, first migrate your project to AndroidX.



It can be installed by adding the following dependency to your build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    // For AndroidX enabled projects.
    implementation ''
    // For legacy projects.
    implementation ''


It is a collection of activities, fragments, widgets, views and some utility functions required to build a standard Android app. It also provides some in-built use cases like an intro screen drawer activity, about screen, collapsing app bar, bottom navigation, color picker, multiple locales, runtime permissions, etc. which can be used and customised according to the need.


It is a collection of activities, fragments, widgets, views and some utility functions required to build a standard Android app. It also provides some in-built use cases like an intro screen, drawer activity, about screen, collapsing app bar, bottom navigation, color picker, multiple locales, runtime permissions, etc. which can be used and customised according to the need.

trevornemanic profile image
Trevor Nemanic

What do you need help with on the project?

pranavpandey profile image
Pranav Pandey • Edited

Thank you very much for your interest!

Currently, I am using it for my personal apps available on Google Play. I tried my best to developed it in a more generalised way but still it is slightly influenced by my personal requirements as I am the only developer of this library.

So, I want more developers to try it in their projects so that we can cover more use cases and make it more stable. There is no need to use the whole library, it also has various independent modules which you can copy directly into your projects. This library is fully commented and you can read the javadoc here.

sleepyfran profile image
Fran González

I'm making an app to read from web pages (currently only Reddit, but more coming soon!) based on how many minutes you have. You can check it out here.

sleepyfran / readder

📖 Read your favorite text subreddits posts based on how much time you have

Readder 📖

Read your favorite text subreddits posts based on how much time you have.

This project is currently under development, but you can take a peek over here.

Also available as an iOS app.


Every contribution is welcome! Just take a look at the issues to see what's on the making right now or open your own issue if you want any feature to be implemented.


First you need to install all the dependencies:

npm i

After that you can either run it locally:

npm run serve

Build it:

npm run build

Or run the tests:

npm run test:unit


Favicon created by Eucalyp

There are a couple of issues right now that should be easy to get into the code and, of course, if you want anything else to be implemented you can open an issue too 😋

dimensi0n profile image

Excellent idea

mittalyashu profile image
Yashu Mittal • Edited

Building an open-source Git GUI app Thermal allowing you to manage all of your Git repositories at one place by providing you a simple to use graphic user interface.

You can also watch a quick demo video.

Screenshots of thermal app

If you are interested to contribute to the app or want to check the progress of the app development, you can join the discord server.

renegadecoder94 profile image
Jeremy Grifski

Oooh! I have a different project for once. The Python script I use to add titles to my featured images was just made into a pip package. Help make it great!

TheRenegadeCoder / image-titler

An image title generator using The Renegade Coder style

Image Titler

Join the chat at

Adds a title to an image using The Renegade Coder Featured Image style. The style can be defined as the following:

Titles are split in half by the closest space and displayed using two solid red bars with a white text overlay on the upper right portion of the image.

For example:

Hello World in Pascal

How to run

pip install image-titler

image_titler -t title -p ./path_to_image -o ./output

ivanpaulovich profile image
Ivan Paulovich

Hey! If you liked the Uncle Bob's way of coding you will like the sample application in this project

I am trying to demonstrate the Clean Architecture, Model-View-Presenter, Stability's Principle and so on

lganzzzo profile image
Leonid Stryzhevskyi

Oat++ is performance oriented web-service-development framework. Written in C++.

Framework repo:

All repos:


Any kinds of contribution are welcome: feedback, issues, PRs, examples, docs, etc.

lefterisjp profile image
Lefteris Karapetsas

We @rotkehlchenio ( …) are looking for #opensource contributors. #Python, #typescript, #electron. Topic is #cryptocurrency tracking, asset management and tax reporting.

cristiano profile image

If you’re a fan of encrypted email I would love to receive new themes or updates to the current template for ProtonMail Themes. 🙏

edisonywh profile image
Edison Yap

Any Ruby/Rails/Elixir projects out there looking for contributors? Would love to take a look!

johnroper100 profile image
John Roper

The popular blogging system Dropplets could use your help.

edisonywh profile image
Edison Yap

Yeah I've committed to couple of of times, love it! :D (should do even more of it haha).

Haven't heard of Alloy, cool will check it out! Is it beginner friendly?