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Discussion on: You Should be Using esm

bennypowers profile image
Benny Powers 🇮🇱🇨🇦 • Edited

Thanks for the notes. I used GFM-style anchor links, maybe they don't work the same on

issue for tracking

Markdown Headers Should Have IDs for Linking #682

Feature Request or Task

When users create headings in markdown, the headings should have ids added to enable linking throughout the document

[The History](#the-history)
[The Problem](#the-problem)
[`esm`: A Better Solution](#esm-a-better-solution)

## tl;dr:

## The History

## Transpiling

## The Problem

### The Cost of Transpiling

### Principles and Cognitive Load

## `esm`: A Simple Solution

## Summary

User Story / Description

Users with medium-to-long-form content might want to add a table of contents, or a link to a summary or tl;dr.

Definition of Done

When the links in the above snippet work as expected: clicking on one scrolls to the relevant header.