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▲🔥 Getting started with Next.js, ZEIT Now, and Firebase

bg on February 09, 2020

This tutorial walks through setting up a minimal template project for Next.js, ZEIT Now, and Firebase. I've included lots of screenshots, so ev...
iljapanic profile image
Ilja Panic

Thank you for sharing such a wonderful tutorial!

It took me only a single afternoon to build a functioning dashboard for managing a volunteer delivery service using your detailed guide.

I know this is out of the scope of your post, but would you be able to point me in the right direction or share resources for achieving following:

  1. Make the Firebase collection (spaces) sortable on change. I'm using Firebase's orderBy but that only sorts on the initial load, so I have to refresh the page to sort changes. I suppose I would have to extrapolate the Firebase data into a React state and sort/display that. Unfortunately, I'm not fully comprehending how you retrieve the collection and storing it into items because it's compounded with other variables using some sort of shorthand. So I guess my question is how to get the Firebase data into a component state?
  2. How to dynamically paginate the collection items? That is automatically split the firebase calls and dynamically generate pages based on the total number of records and desired items-per-page.

I understand it's a lot to ask, but I'm sure any hints would help out many people in the future as well.

Thanks again for a great tutorial!

benzguo profile image
bg • Edited

Yay, glad it was useful!

This example uses firestore-pagination-hook, which was useful for viewing a firestore collection quickly for this example. I'm not sure how well it scales to more complex use cases.

There are some other React + Firebase libraries out there, which I haven't tried, but you may want to check out as alternatives. This one looks popular:

iljapanic profile image
Ilja Panic

Thank you for sharing additional references. I will look through them and see where they take me.

zomars profile image
Omar López • Edited

Very nice! One minor nitpick, you should mention somewhere in the tutorial that you should enable email authentication in the firebase project to be able to create an account.

On the /spaces page I get:

Uncaught Error in onSnapshot: FirebaseError: "Missing or insufficient permissions."

rpalo profile image
Ryan Palo

This was a really nice way to leave feedback 😊

gorvgoyl profile image

nice tutorial! why can't we go full power firebase i.e. use firebase hosting instead of zeit

ackvf profile image
Vítězslav Ackermann Ferko

IIRC firebase hosting doesn't support SSR out of the box. It can be mimicked with the use of functions, but Vercel probably does much more optimizations with their Next.js hosting.

hajola profile image
Joosep • Edited

Awesome! Many thanks!
At cd functions/src/index.ts 9th and 11th line is your storage bucket URL. I believe people should change that to theirs. Don't see a mention of it in the article.
Thanks again! 🙌 🙌 🙌

hajola profile image
Joosep • Edited

Thanks for the tutorial.

Made an example of how to use firebase auth with nextjs, based on the with-iron-session. Instead of getinitialprops that the example up uses, this uses getServerSideProps. Hopefully it's a bit easier to understand for a beginner. The setup described in the article still applies for the most part.

moaazbhnas profile image
Moaaz Bhnas • Edited

First, I want to thank you for your effort. That article and steps are very well explained.

localhost:3000/spaces doesn't output an error. It just redirects me to the root again.

And I also get this error when I open localhost:3000/account
ReferenceError: Headers is not defined
at Service. (C:/Users/bhnas/OneDrive/Desktop/nextjs-now-firebase/node_modules/

Let me know if u want further details

charliewilco profile image

what's the value of using firebase functions versus api routes in next.js?

dazuaz profile image

Not an expert but I think it is also relevant that Zeit functions are not in the same datacenter and if you need to call firestore from a function it would add that latency. Additionally, you would miss out some functionality like Firestore and Auth Triggers

benzguo profile image

Good question!

I haven’t worked with next.js / zeit’s functions much yet - I hear the cold boot times are faster, but haven’t done a direct comparison with firebase.

Since I’m using firebase auth & firestore already, it’s kinda nice to have functions in the same console. Just anecdotally, it seems like function logs update faster using Firebase, and the console feels more mature than Zeit’s.

dwoodwardgb profile image
David Woodward

Going with cloud functions / firebase over next.js's functions would be ideal if you are heavily invested in firebase already but still want to use next. Firebase is nice because they have one of the most generous / useful free-tier's for authentication. They also tend to require a little bit less boilerplate than AWS.

mcongrove profile image
Matthew Congrove

I probably looked at 20 boilerplates, and tried at least 2 others, before finding yours. Thankful that I did, because yours is 1,000 times better than the rest. Great documentation, great architecture. Thank you so much.

philmirez profile image
Phil Ramirez • Edited

Why not host on firebase? Why lock into two different platforms?

ackvf profile image
Vítězslav Ackermann Ferko

now login is now changed to vercel login. Though I suggest to alias now=vercel because of the speed.

oznekenzo profile image
Kenzo Nakamura

This was really great, thank you!