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Bruno Simplicio
Bruno Simplicio

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How logging my work every day changed my career for the better

As a developer, I often found myself at a loss when it came time to prepare for performance reviews. Trying to remember everything I had accomplished over six months or even a year was overwhelming, and I always ended up underselling my work. The problem wasn't that I hadn't done anything important, I just hadn't kept track.

This struggle inspired me to create Logfolio, a tool to make logging daily work simple and effective for developers like me. It wasn't about creating another task management tool; it was about building a personal timeline of accomplishments that could be used when it mattered most during performance reviews, or even just for myself, to see how far I've come.

I started logging my work at the end of each day: every feature I shipped, every bug I fixed, every challenge I overcame. At first, it seemed like a small, almost trivial habit. But as time passed, I began to see the cumulative impact. It gave me the confidence to articulate my achievements better.

With Logfolio, my goal is to help developers document their work effortlessly and turn those logs into impactful summaries for performance reviews, interviews, or even cover letters. If you've ever struggled to remember what you've accomplished, or wished you had an easy way to show the impact you've had, give Logfolio a try.

Logging your daily work is a simple habit, but it can lead to profound changes in how you see your career and how others see you too.

Ready to make performance reviews and interviews less stressful? Check out Logfolio and start documenting your journey today!

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