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Cover image for Creating a voxel world on the web
Bernat Torres
Bernat Torres

Posted on

Creating a voxel world on the web

[Comment]: I wanted to learn how to create WebGL experiences on the website, so I took the three.js library, which makes it easier. I came up with the idea of creating a voxel world, optimised and infinite, just like Minecraft! This way, I could later use it for other projects.

My Final Project

I wanted to learn how to create WebGL experiences on the website, so I took the three.js library, which makes it easier. I came up with the idea of creating a voxel world, optimised and infinite, just like Minecraft! This way, I could later use it for other projects.

Demo Link

Link to Code

GitHub logo bernatixer / Gevolution

Just... Evolve


Evolution like three.js based game Gevolution


You can see the progression of the game in the following page.

Note: Demo is not up to date with the code


git clone
npm i


Development server

npm start

You can view the development server at localhost:3000.

Production build

npm run build

Note: Install http-server globally to deploy a simple server.

npm i -g http-server

You can view the deploy by creating a server in dist.

cd dist && http-server



This project is open source and available under the MIT License.

How I built it (what's the stack? did I run into issues or discover something new along the way?)

I used three.js library to handle all the WebGL logic, also in order to pack all the files into one I used webpack. Finally, to host the project I used GitHub pages as the generated files are static.

Additional Thoughts / Feelings / Stories

I am willing to continue with this project and convert it to a game.

[Final Note]: Hopefully by this summer I would get a playable game :D

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