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Bertil Muth
Bertil Muth

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Biggest aha moment

A moment when you thought: “Wow, I finally get this! How cool!”

Oldest comments (14)

bertilmuth profile image
Bertil Muth

Mine was when I read the Gang of Four Design Patterns book, years ago. I thought: "Now I finally get object oriented programming!" I was excited. And of course I tried to implement each pattern at least once :-)

pwaivers profile image
Patrick Waivers

I have the book and I use it for reference. However it is so dense and dry that I have a really difficult time reading it cover-to-cover and understand all of the patterns. It is a really good book though.

thomaswdmelville profile image
Thomas Melville

2 from me.

  1. When I read head first design patterns after reading the gang of four design patterns and being confused :-)
  2. When I adopted a growth mindset.
bertilmuth profile image
Bertil Muth

Head first design patterns? Didn’t even know that. Worth reading?

rhymes profile image

Loved that book, much clearer than GOF 😜

thomaswdmelville profile image
Thomas Melville

Definitely. It's all the same patterns but explained in simpler terms and example situations and implementations for each one.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I recall the first time TDD really worked naturally for me, I was like OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

I'd read a lot about the practice, but it took quite a while before I was good enough where I wasn't stumbling around in the dark. TDD isn't as effective when you have no idea what you're doing.

kip13 profile image

How much time did you need to work naturally with TDD ? Any advice for newbies ?

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

It took me quite a long time and I still don't TDD all the time to say the least. But I think it depends on your personality/coding style. It took me years, but along the way I learned that TDD was way less common than most people imply, and its use actually pretty rare.

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kip13 profile image
kip • Edited

Interesting, I'm always see and hear that devs(seniors maybe ?) says "TDD has a lot of benefits, you need to use". Thanks Ben.

pwaivers profile image
Patrick Waivers

"Uncle" Bob Martin has a great powerpoint on learning TDD: For any new language or test framework, he solves the Bowling Game coding kata. Following his examples helped me understand TDD better.

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

The joys of automating deployments of stuff that's not really designed for automated deployment constructs is that it seems I have less in the way of straight-up "ah hah!" moments than I seem to have "you gotta be f***ing kidding me!" moments. Even more so when something has (seemingly) arbitrarily changed between upstream product versions and something that's been working for months suddenly doesn't. :p

alchermd profile image
John Alcher

Understanding recursion is a pretty awesome moment for me. Another one is appreciating how "functions are values" play with other concepts in functional programming.

nektro profile image
Meghan (she/her)

I manually implemented a service that used OAuth 2. I literally jumped for joy. I'd looked at flow diagrams for months and something didn't read right. Then I was working on something that used it, sat down, implemented it, and the first time I logged in and everything worked, it all clicked. Everything made sense.