Overview of My Submission
I've built Simple URL Shorten-er. It's pretty simple and uses a simple data structure. I use URL Shorten-er quite often and want to try building the simple one! I tried to extract the small requirement for the shortener and design the database structure. I implemented using .NET which is the programing language that is familiar to me. I was using RedisInsight and Redis Stack to help me during the development phase. It's awesome experience when building an app using Redis!
Submission Category:
Wack Wildcards
Video Explainer of My Project
Language Used
Link to Code
Shorten URL App using Redis as Primary Databases
Simple Shorten URL using Redis and Auth0
Simple App for Shorten your URL and using Redis as the main databases.
- Non Login - Home Page
- Login - Home Page
- URL List - By Users
- Edit URL
Overview video
Here's a short video that explains the project and how it uses Redis:
How it works
How the data is stored:
The data is stored as JSON values and only has a single structure.
Each JSON values have properties:
- Id : Generated id, used for the key too.
- ShortenUrl: The shorten URL, will be used to find the original URL. (Indexed)
- OriginalUrl: The original URL, will be used to redirect the pages.
- CreatedBy: To know the creator, will allow editing for entries that are created by authenticated users. (Indexed)
- VisitedCounter: To know how many "clicks" or visited the shortened url.
The key is generated ShortenUrl.Models.Urls:{urlId}
Also generate index "FT.CREATE" "Urls"
Additional Resources / Info
- Didn't Login - Anonymous User
- Authenticated User
- Authenticated User - URL List
- Authenticated User - Edit link
- Check out Redis OM, client libraries for working with Redis as a multi-model database.
- Use RedisInsight to visualize your data in Redis.
- Sign up for a free Redis database.
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