DEV Community

Discussion on: Do you use the Pomodoro Technique?

bgadrian profile image
Adrian B.G.

Kind of, but my time is usually 40-50min. I think that hourly brakes are the perfect mix between focus work and healthy work style.

Also in the bash you can detach the process from the current terminal with an & or run the command in a screen (so you can close the terminal or use it for other commands).

sleep 3600 && notify-send "get out!" &

or run the notify each hour

watch -n 3600 notify-send "Get Out!"
shostarsson profile image
Rémi Lavedrine


bgadrian profile image
Adrian B.G.

Although I forgot to add, it is a cool idea but I never used the terminal for this, rather I had alarm setups (monday to friday, each hour) on my phone. After a while (few months) my internal clock got used to hourly brakes and I didn't need any alarm, I just knew is time to take a break.

They actually started as a reminder to drink water (I had some issues because of it), and I had to retrain my brain/body :D.