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ENS (Ethereum Name Service) Domains Research

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If you haven't heard about ENS, you should do it now!
To cut long story short, ENS is a service that maps Ethereum addresses to a meaningful URL (human-readable). it's similar to what DNS is for IPs and URLs.

For example, such ethereum address - 0x7f13913E739d03c7CD55FD3693E256bB236C396B7
Could be mapped to username.eth, someService.eth, someWeb3Application.eth, or any meaningful string that could be useful in a world where crypto will be more used and adopted.

ENS (as a service and as a concept) could be the next evolution for the internet (using web3), so people and organizations are trying to grab and accumulate them as much as they can right now.

Another current hyped use case is to buy the index of the NFT that you own from a collection. let's say you're holding bored ape yacht club number #1234, and you want to be associated with it, you would probably want to buy 1234.eth.

Don't believe the hype? so take a look on 555.eth, which was sold for nothing less than
55.5 Ethereum! ($149,584.71) on 28/4/22

For this moment ENS: Ethereum Name Service is the 8th most traded collection on Opensea with 375k domain owners and more than 1 million registered domains.

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Now, I was curious about what is the smallest available numeric ens address (e.g 100.eth), and I was shocked to reveal that all the addresses between 100.eth to 100000.eth are already taken!

Fun fact - the smallest available numberic domain is 100113

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Available numeric domains (updated on 8/5/22)

Scraper Project

In order to find available Ethereum domains efficiently, I created a this project, which allowed me to check for available addresses at a speed of ~0.45 seconds per domain.

I executed this code on my computer - the speed could be improved if it will be used with multiple processes (using docker for example...)

This code is just a POC and was made for fun, but feel free to fork and check for more available addresses.
Maybe they will be much more valuable in the future...

Have fun!

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