You can try out github copilot on vscode. You can try the below commands after getting access to github copilot. You can sign up now.
The demo link is :
!/usr/bin/env ts-node
import { fetch } from "fetch-h2";
// Determine whether the sentiment of text is positive
// Use a web service
import datetime
def parse_expenses(expenses_string):
"""Parse the list of expenses and return the list of triples (date, value, currency).
Ignore lines starting with #.
Parse the date using datetime.
Example expenses_string:
2016-01-02 -34.01 USD
2016-01-03 2.59 DKK
2016-01-03 -2.72 EUR
Go Lang
package main
type Run struct {
Time int // in milliseconds
Results string
Failed bool
// Get average runtime of successful runs in seconds
function calculateDaysBetweenDates(date1, date2) {
Go Lang
package main
// Simple HTTP server that accepts a user's name and responds with a greeting
/** A Person class with name and age accessors and equals and hashCode. */
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