Global spending on engineering services was USD 750 billion in 2004, with aerospace accounting for 8 percent; this could rise to USD 1.1 trillion by 2020, according to NASSCOM. The total offshore engineering expenditure is expected to grow to between USD 150 to USD 225 billion by 2020 and India, with its talent pool and experience in engineering services, could assume 25 percent of this market. US DoD defense programs representing billions of US dollars, are likely to start soon, enter the engineering manufacturing design phase, and reach low-rate or full-scale production over the next few years.These programs include Ohio Class Submarine replacement, F-35 fighter jet, KC-46A aerial refueling tanker, Long Range Strike Bomber, USAF T-X trainer, and Rafale fighter programs. Activities in engineering services that could be outsourced range from concept and detailed design stages to the testing, production and support stages. Some of these activities include industrial / mechanical/electrical design and analysis, reverse engineering, system engineering, Computer Aided Design (‘CAD”) work, embedded software, derivative products, auxiliary functions (piping, cabling, controls), component testing, test equipment design, prototyping, technical manuals, manufacturing engineering, tooling design and build and value/ cost engineering. The Aerospace sector continues to improve its productivity and efficiency due to several initiatives taking hold over the last several years.
Companies have improved their performance in reducing inventories, rationalizing their asset footprint, better managing their supply chain, and increasingly replacing labor with process automation on the factory floor. In addition, the transition of paper drawings to computer-aided design has brought a significant leap in employee productivity. Digital product development allows the entire product to be designed and tested in the computer, without the need for costly physical mockups. For example, the modeling and simulation allowed by digital product development significantly reduces design flow time, tolerance buildup and engineering errors UK’s “full spectrum approach.” has resulted in an additional £12 billion of funding over the next ten years to the equipment and support. This funding will support many initiatives, including the acquisition of nine new Boeing P-8 maritime patrol aircraft, continued investment and international collaboration in unmanned combat air system and complex weapon programs, an acceleration of the procurement of 138 F-35 combat aircraft, alongside a £1.9 billion investment over the next five years in the UK’s intelligence and cyber capabilities.
In the commercial aerospace subsector, the UK continues to enjoy a record backlog of orders across narrow and wide-body aircraft. In the French aerospace sector, air traffic control in the national airspace sector is gaining attention. Airspace challenges in Western Europe exacerbate the need for a more efficient and improved air transport system. Under the guidance of Eurocontrol, the introduction of sophisticated information systems is designed to optimize airspace management, but security and system integration complexities will affect progress shortly. Improvements in system design with the interconnection between ground control systems and aircraft are a high priority due to cyber security threats India India is expected to spend USD 100 billion in the next decade towards the purchase of defence equipment. India is believed to be the world’s second-largest buyer of weaponry. India’s Aerospace Industry is rapidly building capabilities to emerge as a preferred destination for manufacturing of aerospace components. India has skills and competencies in areas that include engineering, production, etc. These capabilities have been recognized and harnessed by foreign companies outsourcing manufacturing work to India.
A potential opportunity exists to demonstrate India’s expertise in the process beginning right from initial design and ending with the final manufacture. This is where India’s real and sustainable advantage exists. State governments are helping boost development in the industry by establishing special economic zones (SEZs) for the aerospace industry. These include: The INR 3,000 crore Aerospace and Precision Engineering Special Economic Zone to be set up at Adibatla, Ranga Reddy district in Andhra Pradesh The specialised aerospace park of 1,000 acres proposed near the Bangalore International Airport The 2,500 acre SEZ for the aerospace and avionics industry, proposed to be established in south Gujarat, close to the Delhi-Mumbai industrial corridor. This is likely to have several MRO facilities. Indian industry today is on the threshold of entering into a new era where it will assume greater responsibility in making the nation self-reliant in Defence Production. The resurgence of India’s manufacturing sector has been remarkable.
Not only are the profits soaring, but the sector is also making its presence felt abroad as many Indian firms are becoming transnational companies. The Indian manufacturing sector is internationally competitive with international quality standards, efficiency and manufacturing facilities. India is fast developing into a manufacturing hub for world corporations wanting to leverage the sector’s proven skills in product design, reconfiguration and customization with creativity, assured quality and value addition. India, is also keen to strengthen its aerospace industry and has asked major weapon exporting countries to transfer technology to India. Presence of large Defence PSUs Presence of scientific and technical institutes Deep aerospace expertise - a network of 2000 SMEs that do niche subcontracting work for the DPSUs Information Technology (‘IT’), design and engineering expertise Manufacturing expertise Proximity to vendor base Government support Opportunity for related services like ground handling, and the manufacture of ground support equipment Other advantages regarding location, excellent telecommunications networks Job Market in Aerospace Engineering Global aerospace majors are facing a shortage of engineering talent. India has a large talent pool of English-speaking engineering graduates; approximately 500,000 engineers graduate each year. Indian IT firms have developed best practice processes for quality, project management, and organizational maturity. Many of these practices can be transferred to the aerospace industry which can, in turn, leverage these mature processes to bring improvements into the project lifecycle, covering core R&D services, design and development, verification and validation, development of tools, reverse engineering and maintenance services.
Aerospace engineers are responsible for creating exceptional machines—like airplanes which weigh more than half a million pounds to spacecraft which travel at a speed of more than 17,000 miles/hour. They are in charge of designing, developing and testing aircraft, spacecraft and missile systems as well as supervising the manufacturing process of these products. Aeronautical Engineers are those aerospace engineers who deal with airplanes, while Astronautic engineers are engineers who deal specifically with spacecraft. Technologies developed by aerospace engineers are used in aviation, defense, and space exploration and aerospace engineers may specialize in structural designing, guiding, navigating and controlling, instrumentation and communication, or production methodology.
Technology like computer-aided design (CAD) software, robotics, laser and advanced electronic optics are used by them. Specialization in commercial transport, military fighter planes, helicopters, spacecraft, missiles or rockets within the aerospace product is also possible. Aerospace engineers might also specialize in aerodynamics, thermodynamics, celestial mechanic systems, propulsion systems, acoustics, or guidance and control systems. These engineers usually gain employment in the aerospace product and parts industry, though the skills of such engineers are now being valued in different fields. An example of this is in the manufacture of motor vehicles, aerospace engineers are responsible for designing vehicles which have a low resistance to air and greater efficiency in fuel consumption. Aeronautical Engineers also get excellent job opportunities in foreign countries like America, United Kingdom, Germany and France. On the commercial side, the outlook is fairly good in the Western world. Commercial market forecasts show a steadily increasing demand for air travel, while most of the big airframe manufacturers have ageing workforces. All the retiring engineers have to be replaced somehow! So the outlook is reasonably good. And if you are in China or India, very good! On the military side, the outlook is less rosy, particularly in the US and Europe, as those governments are desperately trying to reduce defence spending without jeopardizing their military commitments. But even so, defence firms have the same problem of ageing workforces.
Aerospace Jobs Electronic & Electrical Engineering Flight Engineering Materials Process & Physics Mechanical & Structural Engineering Production Engineering Software Engineering Systems Engineering Test & Evaluation The huge thrust being given to the indigenisation of military aircraft coupled with the ‘Make in India’ initiative. Considering that about 80% of our military aerospace life-cycle expenditure is met through imports of parts, sub-assemblies and complete equipment, there is a dire need for Indian companies, small and large, to grab this opportunity, not for the business alone, but more for ensuring that security of our country is in our own hands. Hero Motors Hero Motors plans to produce light aircrafts at its 300 acre aerospace park in Madhya Pradesh, in partnership with an unidentified European manufacturer. Tata Group The Tata group is keen to move into full-scale aircraft assembly and production in both the civil and defence markets. The group sought approval to set up an aerospace manufacturing facility on the outskirts of Hyderabad. The company has already signed deals with several International companies, including one to manufacture components for Boeing. It has assumed a one-third stake in Italy’s Piaggio Aero, while Israel Aerospace Industries and the Tata group signed a memorandum of understanding to establish a new company to develop, manufacture and support a wide range of defence and aerospace products, including missiles, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(‘UAVs’), radars, electronic warfare systems and homeland security systems. Mahindra & Mahindra Mahindra & Mahindra has signed deals with BAE Systems and is jointly developing a five-seat light aircraft with the National Aerospace Laboratories. Mahindra Aerospace offers a number of career opportunities in diverse fields, including: Managerial, Finance, Production, Engineering, Marketing, Administration and more Larsen and Toubro Larsen and Toubro is in the process of forming a joint venture with the European EADS to develop high-tech defence electronics in Pune. This venture will focus on developing electronic warfare, radar, defence avionics and mobile systems for defence applications Skills required for Aerospace Industries One is a Graduation Degree (B.Tech) & other is an Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (AME) course which is a diploma. The subjects that you would learn during the bachelor’s course in Aerospace Engineering are:
- Aerodynamics
- Aircraft structures
- Flight Dynamics
- Strength of materials
- Space stability
- Astrodynamics
- Control systems
- Propulsion
- Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
- Vibrations and Theory of elasticity
- Aircraft materials and composites
- Space systems
- Computational fluid dynamics(Elective)
- Digital signal processing (Elective) Professional Associations Aeronautical Society of India (AeSI) Computer Society of India (CSI) The Institution of Engineers (India) (IEI) The Institution of Civil Engineers (India) (ICEI) Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IIChe) Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering (IIIE) Society of EMC Engineers (India) (SEMCE(I)) Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA) NASA & their projects Europa NASAs planned mission would conduct detailed reconnaissance of Jupiters moon and investigate whether the icy moon could harbor conditions suitable for life. Ground Systems Development and Operations (GSDO) Building on five decades of launch and processing excellence, the Ground Systems Development and Operations Program is transforming Kennedy Space Center into a multi-user spaceport capable of accommodating a wide array of government and commercial space activities.
HEO-ESD Integration Exploration Systems Development Division (ESD) has been charged to oversee the development of nation’s next generation of human exploration systems. ESD Responsibilities include: Provide HEO MD with insight and oversight of programs developing human exploration capabilities (MPCV, SLS, and 21st Century Ground Systems), Complete Constellation Transition during FY11, Manage cross-program integration across MPCV, SLS and 21CGS Programs (Manage interfaces between programs and cross-program risks as well as ensure cross-program integration is occurring). InSight InSight (Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport) is a NASA Discovery Program mission that will place a single geophysical lander on Mars to study its deep interior. Ice, Cloud, and Land Evaluation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) The Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) is the 2nd-generation of the laser altimeter ICESat mission (January 13, 2003 to August 14, 2010). ICESat- 2 is scheduled for launch in early 2016. International Space Station (ISS) The International Space Station is an unprecedented achievement in global human endeavors to conceive, plan, build, operate, and utilize a research platform in space. With the assembly of the space station at its completion and the support of a full-time crew of six, a new era of utilization for research has begun. James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) The James Webb Space Telescope is a large, infrared-optimized space telescope. The project is working to a 2018 launch date. Webb will probe for the first light after the Big Bang and find the first galaxies that formed in the early Universe, connecting the Big Bang to our own Milky Way Galaxy. Webb will peer through dusty clouds to see stars forming planetary systems, connecting the Milky Way to our own Solar System and look for the chemical signatures of extra-terrestrial life. Joint Polar Satellite System-2 (JPSS-2) JPSS-2 will provide operational continuity of satellite-based observations and products for NOAA Polar-Orbiting Environmental Satellites (POES) and Suomi NPP satellite and ground systems. The baseline plan for JPSS Ground System will be sustained to support JPSS-2, similar to JPSS-1. Joint Polar Satellite System Ground (JPSS Ground) The ground system for the JPSS mission is a global network of receiving stations linked to NOAA, which distributes the satellite data and derived products to users worldwide. The versatile ground system controls the spacecraft, ingests and processes data and provides information to users like NOAAs National Weather Service. Joint Polar Satellite System Flight (JPSS Flight) The Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) is the Nations next generation polar- orbiting operational environmental satellite system. JPSS is a collaborative program between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and its acquisition agent, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
Mars 2020 Designed to advance high-priority science goals for Mars exploration, the mission would address key questions about the potential for life on Mars. The mission would also provide opportunities to gather knowledge and demonstrate technologies that address the challenges of future human expeditions to Mars.. Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle (Orion MPCV) This spacecraft will serve as the primary crew vehicle for missions beyond low Earth orbit. The Orion MPCV is capable of conducting regular in-space operations (rendezvous, docking, extravehicular activity) in conjunction with payloads delivered by the Space Launch System. Origins-Spectral Interpretation-Resource Identification-Security-Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) The OSIRIS-REx spacecraft will travel to a near-Earth carbonaceous asteroid (101955) 1999 RQ36, study it in detail, and bring a sample back to Earth. This mission will help scientists investigate planet formation and the origin of life, and the data collected at the asteroid will also aid our understanding of asteroids that can impact Earth. Solar Probe Plus (SPP) NASA has tapped the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) to develop the ambitious Solar Probe Plus mission, which will study the streams of charged particles the Sun hurls into space from an unprecedented vantage point: inside the Suns corona - its outer atmosphere - where the processes that heat the corona and produce solar wind occur. Space Launch System (SLS) The Space Launch System (SLS) Program will develop a heavy-lift launch vehicle to expand human presence to celestial destinations beyond low Earth orbit. This launch vehicle will be capable of lifting the Orion MPCV to asteroids, the moon, Lagrange points and, ultimately, to Mars.
Space Network Ground Segment Sustainment (SGSS) The mission of the SN Ground Segment Sustainment (SGSS) Project is to implement a flexible and extensible ground segment that will allow the Space Network (SN) to maintain the high level of service in the future, accommodate new users and capabilities, while reducing the effort required to operate and maintain the system in the future. Opportunities in NASA, ISRO, DRDO & other private firms Pilots or Crew Members of a Spacecraft Pilot Astronaut, Mission Specialist, Payload Specialist Physical Scientists Astronomer, Chemist, Geologist, Meteorologist, Oceanographer, Physicist Life Scientists Biologist, Medical Doctor, Nutritionists, Physiologist, Psychologist Social Scientists Economist, Sociologist Mathematicians Computer Scientist, Mathematician, Statistician, Systems Analyst Other Fields Quality Control Inspector, Ground Radio Operator, Teletypist Engineers ISRO Government of India established the Department of Space in 1972 to promote development and application of space science and technology in the country for the socio-economic benefits.
Indian Space Research organization (ISRO) is the primary agency under the Department of Space for executing space programmes. During the early seventies, India undertook demonstration of space applications for communication, television broadcasting and remote sensing building experimental satellites namely, APPLE, Bhaskara – and experimental satellite launch vehicles, SLV-3 and ASLV. Today, India has an impressive array of achievements with the largest constellation of domestic communication satellites called Indian National Satellite System (INSAT) in the Asia pacific region with about 210 transponders in orbit. And, India has plans to augment the capacity with the launching of INSAT satellites and increase it to about 500 in 4-5 years to meet its growing needs. India also has the largest constellation of earth observation satellites called Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellites with better than one meter resolution. IRS data is being used for a variety of applications such as crop yield estimation, drinking water missions, waste land development, forest cover mapping and a host of other applications benefiting the common man. Using INSATs, besides TV Broadcasting, telecommunications and meteorological applications societal applications such as tele-education, telemedicine applications have been operationalised. Village Resource Centers (VRCs) combining the services of IRS and INSAT satellites for providing an array of services have been established. India, today is considered as a leader in the application of space technology. INSAT and IRS satellites are also providing invaluable services in disaster management. To put the IRS and INSAT satellites into orbit, India has developed two work horse launch vehicles namely the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) and Geo- synchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV). PSLV weighing about 300 tons at lift off has the capability to put 1500 kg satellite in polar sun-synchronous orbit. PSLV with eleven consecutively successful launches has demonstrated its high reliability. PSLV has launched eight satellites for various customers from abroad. GSLV with four successful flights is capable of launching 2200 kg satellites into geo-stationary Transfer Orbit. India has also created world class facilities at its space port in Sriharikota near Chennai with launch pads besides a host of test facilities for testing satellites and launch vehicle systems.
DRDO is working in various areas of military technology which include aeronautics, armaments, combat vehicles, electronics, instrumentation engineering systems, missiles, materials, naval systems, advanced computing, simulation and life sciences. DRDO while striving to meet the Cutting edge weapons technology requirements provides ample spinoff benefits to the society at large thereby contributing to the nation building.
DRDO is a network of 52 Defence Laboratories in India which are deeply engaged in developing critical defence technologies covering various disciplines like aeronautics, armaments, electronics, combat vehicles, engineering system, instrumentation, missiles, advanced computing and simulation, special materials, naval systems, life sciences, information systems and agriculture. Presently over 5000 scientists and about 25000 other scientific technical and supporting personnel back the organization. Several major projects for the development of missiles, armaments, light combat aircrafts, radars, electronic warfare systems etc are on hand and significant achievements have already been made in several such technologies.
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (Hal)
HAL, a Defence PSU, is a major player in the global aviation arena. It has built up comprehensive skills in design, manufacture and overhaul of fighters, trainers, helicopters, transport aircraft, engines, avionics and system equipment. Its product track record consists of 12 types of aircraft from in-house R&D and 14 types by licence production inclusive of 8 types of aero engines and over 1000 items of aircraft system equipment (avionics, mechanical, electrical). HAL has produced over 3550 aircraft, 3650 aero-engines and overhauled around 8750 aircraft & 28400 engines besides manufacture/overhaul of related accessories and avionics. The Company has the requisite core competence base with a demonstrated potential to become a global player. HAL has 19 production divisions for manufacture and overhaul of aircraft, helicopters, engine and accessories. It has also 9 R&D Centres to give a thrust to research & development. HAL’s major supplies/services are to Indian Air Force, Indian Navy, Indian Army, Coast Guard and Border Security Force. Transport aircraft and Helicopters have been supplied to Airlines as well as State Governments. The Company has also achieved a foothold in export in more than 20 countries, having demonstrated its quality and price competitiveness.
HAL is a major partner for the Space Vehicle programmes of the Indian Space Research Organisation. It has also diversified into the fields of industrial & marine gas turbine business and real-time software business. HAL is now ranked 34th in the list of world’s top 100 defence companies. HAL continues its growth with a sales turnover of 2.1 Billion US Dollars during the financial year 2007-08. It has doubled its turnover in 3 years. It has declared profit before tax of 538 Million US Dollars. The company has made supplies to almost all the major aerospace companies in the World like Airbus, Boeing, IAI, IRKUT, Honeywell and Ruag etc. All the production Divisions of HAL have ISO 9001-2000 accreditation and sixteen divisions have ISO-14001-2004 environment management system (EMS) certification. Six divisions have also implemented the aerospace sector quality management system requirements stated in As 9100 standard and obtained certification. Four of these divisions have also obtained NADCAP certification (National Aerospace Defence Contractors Accreditation programme –USA) for special processes such as NDT, heat treatment, welding etc. In order to meet with the challenges in the 21st Century, the Company has redefined its mission as follows: “To become a globally competitive aerospace industry while working as an instrument for achieving self-reliance in design, manufacture and maintenance of aerospace equipment, Civil Transport Aircraft, helicopter & missiles and diversifying to related areas, managing the business on commercial lines in a climate of growing professional competence.” HAL has successfully designed & developed the Advanced Light Helicopter, which is currently being operated by the Defence Services of India and private Companies. The Advanced Light Helicopter also has great export potential.
Apart from licence production of front line fighters like Su-30 MKI, HAL is also developing the following products through design and development: -- Intermediate Jet Trainer (IJT) -- Light combat helicopter (LCH) -- Weaponization of Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH) -- Tejas-Light Combat Aircraft
Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL)
BEL was established in 1954 to meet the specialized electronic needs of the country’s defence services, is a multi-product, multi-technology, multi-unit company. It serves the needs of domestic and foreign customers with the products/services manufactured in its nine state-of-the-art ISO 9001/2 and ISO 14000 certified manufacturing plants in India. BEL manufactures a wide repertoire of products in the field of Radars, Naval systems, Defence Communication, Telecommunication and Broadcasting, Electronic Warfare, Opto Electronics, Tank Electronics and Electronic Components. With the expertise developed over the years, the company also provides turnkey systems solutions and Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS) on “Build to Print” and “Build to Spec” basis. BEL has become a US $ 1 Billion company in the financial year 2007-08.
Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL)
BDL is fully owned by the Government of India, was established in 1970. BDL manufactures guided weapons & related test equipment, Launchers, under water weapon systems and decoys for the Indian Defence Services. BDL is the nominated Production Agency for the indigenous Integrated Missile Development Programme. Starting with production of 1st Generation Anti tank Guided missiles, the Company has grown into a multi technology and multi product organization.
Collaborative association with DRDO and world leaders in missile manufacturing has enabled BDL assimilate critical technologies and emerge as a globally competitive and reliable defence equipment manufacturer. Bharat Earth Movers Limited (BEML Limited) BEML Limited, Government of India Company, is one of the largest manufacturers and suppliers of earthmoving, construction and mining equipment in Asia. With over 42 years of experience, BEML is one of the premier engineering companies in India and plays a significant role in providing vital inputs to the core sectors of the economy, apart from manufacturing a wide range of tailor-made equipment for the Indian Defence sector. BEML manufactures a wide range of sophisticated hi-tech equipment like bulldozers, rear dump truck, front-end loaders, hydraulic excavators, rope shovels, motor graders, walking draglines, pipe layers, tyre handling equipment, aircraft towing tractor, heavy duty transportation trailers, heavy duty trucks and its prime movers, rail coaches including day coaches, sleeper coaches, postal vans, track-laying equipment, overhead Inspection cars, diesel engines and gensets. Ordinance Factory Board (OFB) The Indian Ordinance Factories possess the unique distinction of more than 200 years of experience in Defence production. Under the aegis of its corporate headquarters the Ordinance Factory Board, the organization is currently engaged in production, logistics, research & development and trade in the field of defence. Ordinance Factory Board offers comprehensive range in the areas of land, naval and air defence systems. These include small, medium and large calibre weapons & ammunition, mortars, explosives, pyrotechnics, armoured & soft skin vehicles, optical & night vision devices, parachutes and troop comfort items. Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited (MIDHANI)
MIDHANI – an ISO 9002 company - caters to domestic and international customers with modern metallurgical facilities and high degree of technical competence for manufacturing its diverse product mix of superalloys, titanium alloys, special purpose steels, electrical resistance & soft-magnetic alloys, molybedenum and other alloys meeting the stringent requirements of the strategic sectors like defence, aerospace, power and general engineering etc. MIDHANI employs its highly integrated and flexible manufacturing facilities to produce a wide variety of special metals and alloys in various mill forms such as ingots, forged bars, hot rolled steels and bar, cold rolled sheets, strips and foils, wires, castings and tubes.
** BrahMos Aerospace**
BRAHMOS-supersonic cruise missile is designed for use in multiple platforms- ships, silos, mobile launchers, aircrafts and submarines against land and sea targets. BRAHMOS is the World leader flying all through supersonic with maneuverable trajectories ensuring no reaction time to the enemy and a lethal punch owing to huge kinetic energy of impact. BRAHMOS has attained 100% success rates in all flight trials proving the adequacy of the missile system to a maximum range of 290 km with high accuracy and lethality establishing the reliability of the system in all weather conditions. Indian Navy & army have started the induction of the weapon system. The system will also be exported to a few friendly countries.
Honeywell Technology Solutions
Honeywell Technology Solutions is a research lab headquartered in Bangalore and is working on developing and testing flight management systems. The lab offers technical research and development services to Honeywell business across the globe.
*Infosys Technologies Ltd *
Infosys Technologies Ltd, another major software firm, is a partner in forward integration and helps build aircraft components and systems for customers, such as Boeing and Airbus, through local vendors. In addition to delivering software and engineering services for aerospace clients, the company is now part of the product supply chain.
*Wipro *
Wipro Ltd is another large software firm that helps build electronic warfare systems, radars, aviation electronics and flight simulators locally for US defence contractors, such as Lockheed Martin andNorthrop Grumman. The company is setting up dedicated units for these systems and anticipates larger revenues from defence customers moving forward. The company also maintains a tie-up with Britain’s largest defence manufacturer, BAE Systems, to build sub-systems for aircraft engines that power business jets.
*HCL Technologies *
HCL Technologies is also a leading software firm with a good clientele in engineering services for aviation and aerospace sector. The company is a strategic partner for Boeing’s Dreamliner program and is a major player in the offshoring of aerospace technological development services. The company has also augmented its aviation and aerospace capability by its joint venture with Smith’s Aerospace and by its acquisition of Axon Consulting which has strengths in aviation MRO.
*Airbus *
Airbus established an engineering centre in Bangalore in October 2007. Almost 120 staff are employed and Airbus hopes to increase its staff strength to 400 by 2012. Airbus plans to outsource 40 percent of aircraft design to local companies. This engineering centre is the only one outside Europe for Airbus. Additionally, Airbus outsources work to 20 Indian IT and engineering service providers that include Infosys, Quest, HCL Technologies, etc . According to media reports, Airbus plans to move 20 percent of its engineering design activities to low cost countries, most of it to India.
*QuEST Global *
QuEST Global, the Bangalore-based engineering company, entered into a 10-year strategic relationship with Magellan Aerospace. In 2007, the firm set up the country’s first special processing facility for aerospace manufacturing, delivered the first set of A-380 components to SABCA and achieved Airbus AS 9100 certification. Quest is the first Indian private sector player qualified to offer end-to-end solutions to EADS. Engineering Centres Airbus Engineering Centre in Bangalore is the company’s high-tech aircraft component manufacturing facility that works on the development of tools to aircraft design and structural analysis using software based simulation, among other things. CAE, a global leader in aviation simulation products and training services, made Karnataka its base in India, and is operating from an owned facility near the new Bangalore international airport. The Airbus A320 and Boeing 737 Level D full-flight simulators in the CAE facility are certified by India’s Directorate General of Civil Aviation. Boeing entered into agreements with Indian Institute of Science, WIPRO and HCL to develop wireless and other network technologies for aerospace related applications. Mahindra and Mahindra signed an agreement for the design and development of a new general aviation aircraft with NAL, CSIR and the Government of India.
The wind-tunnel testing center at NAL is the primary simulation testing facility for aircraft engines in India Courses Hindustan Institute of Technology & Science, Chennai offers several short-term courses. The duration of these courses is one to two weeks. Eligibility: B.E. / AM AeS.I. / AME / Diploma. The following are the courses offered: Introduction to Aviation Engineering Aircraft Electrical & Instrument Systems Avionics Design & Maintenance Aircraft Systems Airframe Maintenance Procedures Aero Engine Maintenance & Overhauling Fuel and Lubrication Management Flight Safety and Airworthiness Repair and Maintenance of Composite Aircraft Structures TQM in Aviation Industry Entrepreneurship Opportunities Newspace companies are attracting investments from a variety of sources both within and beyond the aerospace community, in a multitude of forms and sizes. What are these investors interested in, why do they find newspace companies to be attractive investments, and what are some of ways newspace companies are being accelerated, incubated, and invested in? This panel will explore these questions and more, investigating how and why the newspace industry has become so attractive to investors.
*Startup Accelerators *
Airbus BizLab
Starburst Accelerator
Space Tango NewSpace
LightSpeed Innovations
WayPaver Foundation
Corporate Innovation
*100 Open Startups *
The 100 Open Startups program was started in Brazil 9 years ago through the launch of Centre for Open Innovation in Sao Paulo by the Father of Open Innovation, Dr. Henry Chesbrough, Haas School of Business, Berkley. This program that had 40 large corporations as founding members including Abbott has now become a massive movement with 120 large corporations from different verticals actively engaged in the platform. The 100 Open Startups is a network where large corporations and Startups interact in the pursuit of high impact innovations to society. The main expected result is to identify through a crowdsourcing rating process, the ranking of the 100 most attractive Startups to the market. Top ranked Startups will have the opportunity to interact with senior executives of large corporations to work on their proposals and to compete for prizes and the attention from investors and the media. This is an ideal platform for you in the areas of your interest like Innovative Cities, Future Education, Information Society, Healthcare & well-being, Agriculture, Food and allied areas as this is most unique program and ecosystem of that kind in the world as brings all the key stakeholders in your industry together in a true Open Innovation platform. As you can see in our website, large corporations like 3M, Accenture, Cisco Brazil, IBM, Intel, HP, J&J, Telefonica, Whirlpool and several others are deeply engaged with us for long term in creation of Grand Challenges in 21 sectors. The Industrial Sectors are added based on the demand from large corporations.
Campus Party Entrepreneurs are a fundamental part of Campus Party. During the week of the event, we will be supporting them! We show you how to turn your ideas into business models, we will give advice on how their startups can be transformed into success stories and create an environment where they can share experiences, find talent and end up being the best version of themselves. Campus Party, the biggest event the world in the areas of innovation, creativity, science, entertainment and entrepreneurship, wants the legacy of his business project is help build the future of societies where operates, forming and training young people for their ideas, technology based, successful and continuity. This is where start-ups, campuseros, ecosystem players (accelerators, investors, enthusiasts) and visitors come together to acquire knowledge, share experiences and develop their businesses. Start-ups are also welcome to showcase their products and services in an open display area for all the participating public.
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