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Understanding and Working with Javascript Objects

Okay, So what are objects anyway?

According to MDN :

In JavaScript, an object is a standalone entity, with properties and type. Compare it with a cup, for example. A cup is an object, with properties.A cup has a color, a design, weight, a material it is made of, etc. In the same way, JavaScript objects can have properties, which define their characteristics.

So, yes javascript Objects in a way are entities to be created when we need these entities to hold some properties and most preferably relate to
some real-world object [or not based on your requirement].

How to create an object?

Well, if you explicitly have never used or created an object, chances are you technically have used an Object.

whaaa..t? how?

Here, it comes ... An Array in JavaScript is an Object [One of many things anyway].
Curious about why and what type of an Object?
Here is a stack overflow post that might help:

Are arrays merely objects in disguise? Why/why not? In what way(s) are they (such/not)?

I have always thought of arrays and objects in JS as essentially the same, primarily because accessing them is identical.

var obj = {'I': 'me'};
var arr = new Array();
arr['you'] = 'them';


Here is a screenshot from the console:

Alt Text

But, as you probably are thinking, yes we cannot create custom properties and define them for an array.

So, how do we create our own object?

Well here is a sample code from MDN :

var myCar = new Object();
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Pretty much straight forward right, but since it is JavaScript, we are not actually type checking. [By default, it is of type any]

In typescript:

For people who want to try it in typescript [cause it's pretty much just a superset of javascript], it enforces type checking.

By using the above JavaScript code we will get the below compile time error:
Property does not exist on type 'Object'
while setting a property to myCar.

So, we need to explicitly mention that it is of type any as below:

let myCar: any = {};
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If you want an object to be of a specific type then you need to create an interface and then create an object with type as the interface.

Okay, let's now dig a little deeper into objects and it's properties:

Since now we have an object myCar, let's set some properties to it:

The below snippet is from MDN:

myCar.make = 'Ford';
myCar.model = 'Mustang';
myCar.year = 1969;
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Since we now have an object with properties, let's now see what we can do with it:

Display all the keys:

Syntax: Object.keys(objectName)


(3) ["make", "model", "year"]
    0: "make"
    1: "model"
    2: "year"
    length: 3
    __proto__: Array(0)
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Display all the values:

Syntax: Object.values(myCar)


(3) ["Ford", "Mustang", 1969]
    0: "Ford"
    1: "Mustang"
    2: 1969
    length: 3
    __proto__: Array(0)
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There is a method called Object.entries():

This method returns all the Object's own properties as an array in [key : value] format.


(3) [Array(2), Array(2), Array(2)] // See, each property is an array.
    0: (2) ["make", "Ford"]
    1: (2) ["model", "Mustang"]
    2: (2) ["year", 1969]
    length: 3
    __proto__: Array(0)
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Property Descriptors:

So, now we know different ways to retrieve the properties of an object. What further helps us is to know that each property has descriptors, which can be accessed by a method Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(Objectname)


{make: {}, model: {}, year: {}}
    make: {value: "Ford", writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true}
    model: {value: "Mustang", writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true}
    year: {value: 1969, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true}
    __proto__: Object
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As we can see from the above snippet that by default these are the properties that javascript sets to an Object. Let's see what these properties mean:

  • value: Value of the property
  • writable: true by default which means the property can be changed
  • get: a getter function for the property, called when the property is read
  • set: a setter function for the property, called when the property is set to a value
  • configurable: true by default, the property can be removed or changed
  • enumerable: true if the property is enumerable

Note: Since we did not use any getters or setters in the above code snippet, we cannot see those properties.

Let's now see how we can change a property descriptor:

To know if an object has a particular property:

console.log(myCar.hasOwnProperty('make')); // return True if available and False otherwise

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Adding or changing property descriptor:

Syntax: Object.defineProperty(Object,property,descriptor)


True // By default

Object.defineProperty(myCar , 'make' , { 
  configurable: false
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This method adds property if not present, in this case make is present in the Object so we are just changing the descriptor of make.


False // Since we change it in the above snippet.
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Changing writable property descriptor [Read-Only properties]:

Object.defineProperty(myCar , 'make' , {
  writable: false

console.log(myCar.make = 'SHELBY');

// Runtime error 
ERROR TypeError: Cannot assign to read-only property 'make' of object '[object Object]'
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The above snippet throws an error because we changed writable to false. Hence, it's read-only property.

Now, let's talk about another method too which is Object.assign(TargetObject,AsigneeObject):
This method can be used to assign the properties of one object to another.

    // Let's make another object
    let myCar2: any = {};
    myCar2.driver = 'KEN MILES';
    myCar2.engine = 'STRAIGHT 6, 3.3L';
    myCar2.specs = '122PS @4000rpm , 257Nm';

    // assign myCar2 properties to myCar

    {make: "Ford", model: "Mustang", year: 1969, driver: "KEN MILES", engine: "STRAIGHT 6, 3.3L", }
        driver: "KEN MILES"
        engine: "STRAIGHT 6, 3.3L"
        model: "Mustang"
        specs: "122PS @4000rpm , 257Nm"
        year: 1969
        make: "Ford"
        __proto__: Object
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As we can see from above that now myCar has the properties of myCar2.

But, why do we need this method?

Here is an excellent post on medium that can help you understand the same.

To operate on Objects sometimes we might need an index of the property or we might need to iterate through the property.

Iterating through Object values. [Can do the same for Keys with Object.keys]:

    Object.values(myCar).forEach((element,i) => {
      if(element == 'KEN MILES'){ console.log('INDEX : ',i); }
3 // Index of the property driver.
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Okay! Now we know how to iterate through Object properties, But what if we need a property that is not to be accessible for iteration but should be available in the Object.

In that case, we can make the property descriptor as non-enumerable as below:

    Object.defineProperty(myCar , 'make' , { 
      enumerable: false


    False // since we changed it above
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Now, since the property make is not enumerable, let's try displaying the properties:


(5) ["model", "year", "driver", "engine", "specs"]
    0: "model"
    1: "year"
    2: "driver"
    3: "engine"
    4: "specs"
    length: 5
    __proto__: Array(0)
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As we can see the property make is not accessible.


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But as seen above the property is present in the Object.

Wrapping Up

We now know in javascript and typescript what Objects are , Why do we need them , how to create them and how to operate on them.

Hope this post helps you understand Objects in javascript.

If you find any mistakes , improvements or important topic i have missed do let me know.

Thank You!

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