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Immediately Invoked Function Expressions [IIFE's]

What are IIFE's? πŸ˜•

An immediately invoked function expression [IIFE] is a function, which runs as soon as it is created.

Whoa! that seems dope.

☐ So, can IIFE's be named?
☐ Can we assign it to a variable?
☐ Will these functions be hoisted?
☐ Do these functions allow closures?

Cool, we will answer all these questions and some more, further in this post. πŸ˜„

How to declare an IIFE?

Well, there is only one thing we can do, ie.. declare, but we cannot invoke it.

We just need to wrap a normal anonymous function in a parenthesis () and then append with (). We can also pass any arguments if needed.

(function sayHi(name){
    return `Hi ${name}`;
}) ('bruce');
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If we run the above snippet, we will get -> "Hi bruce" without even invoking.
If we try to invoke it like a normal function, it will throw a

 sayHi(`BRUCE`);   //Uncaught ReferenceError: sayHi is not defined
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There are many ways to declare an IIFE 😁

IIFE using Unary operators:

-(function() {
  // do something

~(function() {
  // do something

!(function() {
  // do something
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Named IIFE:

(function doSomething() {
  // do something
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IIFE using semicolons:

;(function() {
  // do something
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IIFE using arrow functions:

( () => {
    // do domething
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Why do we need IIFE? πŸ€”

Well, there are some cases where you want to achieve some or all of the below points:

  • Need a function that is not accessible anymore after being invoked.
  • Need a function whose variables are not accessible outside of it.
    • You can use block-scoped variables or let and const depending on the use case.
  • When you don't want to pollute the global object.

Let's see an example where we can use IIFE πŸ˜„

Say you need a function that returns random Id every time you call it.

Well, yes we can use generators and there are many ways we can do this, but we will see how to do that using IIFE.

Let's make a function that returns an Id concatenated with a counter so that it is unique.

  return `Id ${count}`
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Now, we can wrap this function in an IIFE called IdMaker:

const IdMaker = (function(){
  let count = 0;
      return `Id ${count}`;
}) ();
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Now, we just return the function that increases the count and returns it:

const IdMaker = (function(){
  let count = 0;
    return function(){
      return `Id ${count}`;
}) ();

console.log(IdMaker()); // Id 1
console.log(IdMaker()); // Id 2
console.log(IdMaker()); // Id 3
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Things we have learned so far: πŸ’‘

βœ”οΈ We can return functions in IIFE just like normal functions.
βœ”οΈ And we can also achieve closures in an IIFE.
βœ”οΈ No, IIFE's are not hoisted. Hoisting is good but we should take care of when to and when not to.
βœ”οΈ Yes, we can assign IIFE's to a variable but that won't hoist them.

I don't understand what's happening πŸ˜•

The basic idea here is not to pollute global object ie.. not to use a variable and a normal function which will be hoisted.

So, if we were to do this using normal functions then the variable count would be a global variable and then the function also would be hoisted.

So, by creating an IIFE:

  • Variable count is created when we call IdMaker() the first time.
  • The next time we call IdMaker() it just runs from the same memory because we have another function inside the IIFE and we can access that function and count is not created again.
  • So, when we invoke the IIFE using IdMaker() we are actually invoking the counter function inside the IIFE but not the IIFE itself.

Note πŸ“— : We cannot invoke an IIFE, it only runs once when it is created. But it does allow the concept of closures.πŸ”₯

Wrapping up

Now, we know:
βœ”οΈ What are IIFEs?
βœ”οΈ Why do we need them?
βœ”οΈ How to use them? and When to use them?

Hope! this post helped you understand the concept of IIFE's πŸ‘

Stay tuned for further posts in this series. πŸ˜„

Thank you!

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