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Discussion on: Purging unwanted properties in js object

bharathpanchak profile image
Bharath Panchakarla

Hi Alwar G,
Your code will go into an infinite loop if familyMembers: ['father', 'mother', null]. I think you did not consider this case.. Thanks though for the initial boost for my requirement.

Happy coding!

alwarg profile image
Alwar G • Edited

@bharathpanchak Thank you for poiniting out my mistake.
I tried one solution

function getPurgedObj(obj){
      let stringfiedObj = JSON.stringify(obj, (key, value) => {
        if (Array.isArray(value)) {
          value = value.filter((val) => !['', null].includes(val));
        return ['', null].includes(value) || (typeof value === 'object' &&(value.length === 0 || Object.keys(value).length === 0)) ? undefined : value;
      let resObj = JSON.parse(stringfiedObj);
      let isEmptyPropsPresent = ['{}', '[]', '""', 'null'].some((key) => stringfiedObj.includes(key))
      if(isEmptyPropsPresent) {
        return getPurgedObj(resObj);
      return resObj;
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Please share if you have better solution