STEP 1:Create a three tier web Architecture or Take a three tier architecture from this link:
Step 2:Create a bucket with a unique name.
STEP 3:Add a role by choosing the below two permission policies.
STEP 4:Create a vpc.
STEP 5:create 6 subnet.
STEP 6:CREATE a internet gateway.
STEP 7:allocate elastic ip.
STEP 8:create nat 2 gateway.
STEP 10:Attach internet gateway to your vpc.
STEP 11:Add routes.
STEP 12:Save associations.
STEP 13:create private subnet.
STEP 14:Update the routes of private route table az 1 and 2
STEP 15:update subnet associations for Private route table 1 and 2
STEP 16:Create a security group for web tier.
STEP 17:Create another security group for internal load balancer.
STEP 18:Create a security group for private instance with inbound rules with custom sg.
STEP 19:Create a security group for database with the specified inbound rules.
STEP 20:Create a DB subnet group for our vpc.
STEP 21:Now create a DataBase
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