DEV Community

Why I'm using Surge and not GitHub Pages

Ben Holmes on March 06, 2019

Update Will leave a small disclaimer here that Surge hasn't seen many updates to its repo recently so be aware of that. Certainly safe to use now (...
ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

Great first post! Your tweet was spot on


m1guelpf profile image
Miguel Piedrafita β€’

Welcome to! I turned this article into audio using Blogcast

If you want, you can add thisπŸ‘† player to your article by adding the following code to the top:

{% blogcast 413 %}

You can also add this embed to medium pasting the URL on a newline πŸ˜‰

bholmesdev profile image
Ben Holmes β€’

Woah this is great! Thanks for making this

marek profile image
Marek Zaluski β€’

I've used Netlify and Zeit Now and I can confirm that they're great alternatives in the same space.

Zeit Now is not quite as simple to start with but if you happen to be using something like Next.js then it makes a great combination (Next.js is also developed by the Zeit team).

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington β€’

Excellent song reference! πŸ˜€

bholmesdev profile image
Ben Holmes β€’

Heyyy someone caught it! I remember that song from history class back in middle school and it stuck with me ever since.

vekzdran profile image
Vedran Mandić ‒

Excellent entry, thanks for the review. I've tried, loved the simplicity just as you described. Just yesterday seen (bragging at the bottom that it was built with drag and drop netlify) deployed on netlify which is really gaining momentum in the static web dev world (reddit, twitter...) + new features like this seem promising. Do you know if they offer 200 redirect also or similar nice to have feats? Thanks again.

bholmesdev profile image
Ben Holmes β€’

Will leave a small disclaimer here that Surge hasn't seen many updates to its repo recently so be aware of that. Certainly safe to use now (haven't seen any vulnerability warnings), but worth looking out for in the future. If the project ends dying off Netlify and Zeit Now are great alternatives that offer similar benefits over GitHub Pages πŸ‘

jacobmgevans profile image
Jacob Evans β€’

Followed you. Hope to see more content of this quality and passion. RT'd as well. Great work!

bholmesdev profile image
Ben Holmes β€’

Thanks so much! Yep, have a couple ideas on the backburner :)

bangau1 profile image
Agung Pratama β€’

Great post. I also very recently migrated my blog from Gitlab Page to Netlify. I have my own reasons, please check it out at my blog post

andreasvirkus profile image
ajv β€’

What I absolutely love about Netlify is that in their .toml file you can duplicate your routes (given you don't have a zillion of them, otherwise it gets cumbersome) and have those serve your entry file. Anything else you can catch with a wildcard, return a 404 status and still display your SPA to handle the error page. Of course an SSG would defeat this purpose, but it's great if you have a very dynamic API driven SPA or the likes. Also Netlify allows you to configure security headers and other nifty bits.

(No affiliation, just an avid user in love with a service)

qm3ster profile image
Mihail Malo β€’

What would you say is the killer advantage over Netlify?

bholmesdev profile image
Ben Holmes β€’ β€’ Edited

Great question! Honestly haven't experimented too much with the Netlify CLI, but looking it over it seems really nice. Guess you could argue Surge gets you going in literally 1 command and Netlify takes a couple more seconds but that's really nit-picky 😊 The 200.html fallback is still really nice to have in Surge, but will confess it does not work in subdirectories which is disappointing.

Overall I'd say, especially since Surge hasn't gotten any updates recently but the Netlify community is going strong, Netlify is a great choice.

qm3ster profile image
Mihail Malo β€’

Netlify redirects are simply divine πŸ˜©πŸ‘Œ

I'm a bit disappointed with Zeit, because there are breaking changes too often, and now they're deprecating long-running containers completely, which many use.

jsrn profile image
James β€’

Great post! I've been happily using GitHub pages for so long that I've never bothered to learn much about the alternatives.

Thanks for the thorough review of Surge!

papagoat profile image
Terence Lucas Yap β€’

git-scripts wasn't working for Windows machine last I tried. Doesn't seem to be updated.

bholmesdev profile image
Ben Holmes β€’

Aw, that's really a shame. Looks like the git-hooks project being used for this isn't being maintained well. Thankfully there are alternatives independent from Surge that can get the job done. Here's a list of options, or a way to get it working on your own

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao β€’

This is awesome I didn't know that is something like this.

bayuangora profile image
Bayu Angora β€’

How to build and deploy GitHub repo to Surge via mobile?