DEV Community

 Bishnu Prasad Chowdhury
Bishnu Prasad Chowdhury

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Reusing object properties with call() method in JavaScript

Suppose we have an object with properties that we want to re-use for a certain new object.

JavaScript provides a call method that we can use to achieve this objective.

//Sample object
var emp = {
   salary_per_day: 10,
   monthlySalary: function(){
   return this.salary_per_day * 30;

//call the function 
> 300

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We can use the call method here on the new object to use the method of the existing object.

var emp = {
   salary_per_day: 10,
   monthlySalary: function(){
   return this.salary_per_day * 30;

var emp2 = {salary_per_day: 50};;
> 1500

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Like this. call function can be utilized to reuse the property of another function.

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