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[Comment from a deleted post]
bkairu5 profile image
Halafu • Edited

The year is 2022.

  1. Why i don't use React anymore.
  2. Why i don't use Angular anymore.
  3. Why i dont use VueJs anymore.
  4. Webpack sucks.

To be productive, use 2022Js. Turns out 2022Js is the latest framework being pushed by somebody looking to sell a book, a course or make some money from naive JS developers.

scott_yeatts profile image
Scott Yeatts

I mean... I hope so? These articles are probably going to come out sooner. I don't hate frameworks (angular guy for the last 5 years here), but they are becoming unneccesary now with the changes to the W3C spec (not new frameworks, but the underlying tech).
I haven't imported jquery into a project in about 3 years because jqlite in angular was plenty. If I'm writing a small page with a few DOM manipulations that requires IE11 support? Sure I'll pull it in.
New projects should be looking hard at web components and how to eliminate the big frameworks, because smaller a la carte libraries are the direction we're going. Just like the best parts of jquery are incorporated into the spec, the best parts of frameworks are starting to be implemented. It's 2018 and I could write a 'Why I don't use Angular' post. I wouldn't, because I think the polyfills are too necessary to say web components are easier than a framework... but that time is coming, it's necessary for the maturation of the ecosystem out of 'new frameworks every hour' and I think it's a sign that we're (hopefully) getting away from the stagnation of JavaScript fatigue into a more stable world where tech is driven by the spec, and not by how a framework writer wants the spec to look like... just my two pennies on it :D

guergana profile image
Guergana Tzatchkova

haha. brilliant. illustrates these discussions perfectly.

belhassen07 profile image
Belhassen Chelbi

I'm not a framework follower, and I don't use frameworks or libraries just because they're fancy or they're the 2017 trends, I use the ones that solves problems I face. And yes, sometimes frameworks are built to sell courses a,d books , but do you think Facebook made React to sell courses? or did Google maintain Angular to sell books? I don't think so, it's not about hating jQuery for hate purpose and because it's old. And yes in 2022 , I may write "why you shouldn't use React anymore" if they'l be good reasons we should quit using, but I may say why React is still awesome, it depends and only for LOGICAL REASONS not just hate, trends ...
Thanks for your comment Halafu ♥ this discussion is really helpful.

ctimmerman profile image
Cees Timmerman

Around the same time their sites began to break. Coincidence?

anthonus profile image

Did 'Fbook' develop it or was it 'borrowed' (like CP/M and MuDOS...) or did a whole bunch of naive 'wannbes' write the library or was it a G7 campaign? ;)

paulomarcelonogueira profile image
Paulo Marcelo Abbondanza Nogueira

Some frameworks are building to sell courses and inflate the ego of the crator (it was possible to just send one PR, not Forking and create a new Framework with one plus feature).
But, other frameworks are important and useful!
And, int the year 2022, W3C and Browsers can change many thing, and current frameworks (eg React, Vue..) may prove unnecessary.

Great Article!