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Imposter Syndrome

Today was my first login to my boot camp. The initial feeling of excitement quickly turned into feelings of being overwhelmed. So, like most people I procrastinated... I turned to any distraction that would demand even a pinch of my attention (Curse you YouTube recommendations lol). I eventually returned to my pre-work and was directed to get connected to the community and found my way to David Walsh's website where he had an article that spoke to the exact feelings that I was having. In the article he spoke about accepting the small wins and using them as momentum to grant you the confidence to take on larger tasks. Well, this post is a step in accomplishing a small task that I otherwise would not have done and as I am writing, each sentence is giving me a feeling of confidence that I can actually do this. I know it may seem corny but I hope that someone else who is just starting something new and feel like they are in over their heads can read this little post and gain some strength to push on past their feelings. Any way here is a link to the aforementioned article ( Check it out! Many Blessings!

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