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I've been meaning to start a dev blog for ages - something to document what I'm learning, how I'm finding it, what my thoughts are... you know the drill. I've been applying for jobs for around 2 months now, and a lot of the roles I'm finding myself drawn to are front-end, webby/UI/UX type positions. I guess that makes sense, I love working with Javascript and the post-codeclan deeper dives into these kind of technologies have been thrilling. But there's a couple of words (well, one word and one weird recursive acronym) that keep coming up that I remain almost entirely unexperienced in: PHP and Wordpress. Asking around showed me that these have both been around for quite a while, and PHP at least seems to be pretty hated. But hey, it's about time I started plugging some of those holes on my CV.

I've flirted a little with Wordpress on an old film review blog I started an University that went nowhere, and it remains, from what I remember, a pretty easy to use and flexible web CMS. I didn't dive too deep into it the mechanics of it's customisation back then, and I'm enjoying seeing just how flexible you can be with it.

PHP however, seems far more interesting. I don't quite see why it's quite so hated yet, but I'm sure that will come. I'm enjoying how little setup it takes, and how it feels as though your typing DIRECTLY in your browser, completely server-side. It definitely feels the most unique of all the languages I've been exposed to, and I can see how it could perhaps be lacking versatility compared to other languages. But it's quick and simple, which I'm digging so far. Certainly having PHP in HTML and vice-versa beats using Jinja to inject Python into HTML in my opinion.

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