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Discussion on: How to be fully alert minutes after waking

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Blaine Osepchuk • Edited

I like your story. You are talking about our more recent ancestors than I was in my story but, by my understanding of anthropology, you are more or less correct.

It's hard to know where the line is with technology and drugs. Everybody probably thinks buildings are good. Temperature control and regular office lighting are probably okay. But what about full spectrum office lighting for a little extra boost? What if we increase the intensity of the office lighting to match an overcast day? What if we pump in more fresh air? What if we filter the air to remove pollutants? How about if we increase the lighting intensity to match full daylight? What about caffeine? Adderall? Cocaine?

Who gets to decide and on what basis do they make their decisions?

Caffeine tends to be a socially acceptable stimulate. Adderall? Not so much.