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Different types of Private Clouds: Which one's right for you?

A Private cloud is a type of cloud model that is solely owned by a single organization and offers infrastructure services to that organization only. No other organization can access those resources and applications. They are the private property of that particular organization. Technically, private cloud architecture is similar to that of public cloud. But there is one difference between the two models. The resources and applications of a private cloud are accessible to that organization only that owns it while a public cloud is accessible to the general public. A Private cloud contains resources that can be accessed by members of a single organization only. Members of that particular organization are granted the right for accessing the resources. This provides a secure environment for an organization where no other person except the members can access the resources. Private cloud is the best option for companies that need to implement strict security rules and processing requirements.

We can divide private cloud into three types as shown in the figure given below:

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Internal private cloud: It refers to the environment in which it is the responsibility of the company to manage the infrastructure required for its cloud services itself. This type of private cloud is best for companies that want to work while maintaining security and keeping the access to data strictly private. These companies strictly follow security policies regarding data and apps.

Managed private cloud: It refers to the environment where the infrastructure of the company is hosted internally by the organization only. Here, management of the cloud services is done by the cloud service provider. It manages and maintains the cloud services. This type is appropriate for those companies that do not have skilled IT staff that can manage the infrastructure of the company. Therefore, they employ a cloud service provider to manage the private cloud. As the cloud provider manages all resources, it gives the advantages of flexibility, efficiency, and reliability to the company.

Hosted private cloud: It refers to the environment where infrastructure is both hosted and managed by the cloud provider itself. The cloud provider allocates a particular server to a particular organization. The organization only uses the resources and can access them as per the demand. Here, the cloud provider is responsible for managing, updating, and configuring the hardware, software, and network. One thing you should consider here is that if a server is allocated to a particular organization, then only that organization can access those resources. The server’s resources are not shared among other organizations. The cloud provider works on behalf of the company and fulfills the requirements of the organization.

Private cloud offers a great level of security with full control. Due to additional security provided by private cloud, a business unit can focus on other areas to enhance the growth of the business. Some top private cloud providers are HPE (Hewlett Packard Enterprise), VMware, Dell, Oracle, IBM, Microsoft, Cisco, NetApp, and Red Hat.

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