DEV Community

Paul Brabban
Paul Brabban

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dbt 1.8 breaks on update

Error traceback ending with No module named dbt.adapters.factory

On updating dbt-bigquery to latest 1.8.0: No module named 'dbt.adapters.factory'

Issue - dbt 1.8.0 won't run

I spun up a Codespace on pypi_vulnerabilities to resolve a failing build.
My auto-update ran as usual, updating all my Python dependencies to latest stable release and I got dbt-core 1.8.0, now out of beta as of 2024-05-09.

The first thing my auto-update does that depends on dbt - install/update dbt packages - failed.

Successfully installed daff-1.3.46 dbt-adapters-1.1.1 dbt-bigquery-1.8.0 dbt-common-1.0.4 dbt-core-1.8.0 dbt-semantic-interfaces-0.5.1
install or upgrade dbt dependencies
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/workspaces/pypi_vulnerabilities/venv/bin/dbt", line 5, in <module>
    from dbt.cli.main import cli
  File "/workspaces/pypi_vulnerabilities/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/dbt/cli/", line 1, in <module>
    from .main import cli as dbt_cli  # noqa
  File "/workspaces/pypi_vulnerabilities/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/dbt/cli/", line 14, in <module>
    from dbt.cli import requires, params as p
  File "/workspaces/pypi_vulnerabilities/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/dbt/cli/", line 10, in <module>
    from dbt.adapters.factory import adapter_management, register_adapter, get_adapter
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dbt.adapters.factory'
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Clean Install to Fix

Clearing my venv and reinstalling from scratch gets things back up and running. Here's the specific procedure I used:

$ deactivate # deactivate the venv, if active
$ rm -r venv # recursively delete the venv folder
$ python -m venv venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -U -r requirements.txt
$ dbt deps
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I actually ran my script rather than those highlighted lines, but those are the relevant things it does.

This also explains why my build wasn't breaking (well, not for this reason anyway) - it always starts from scratch.

Changes in Adapter Dependencies

That's how you can fix the No module named 'dbt.adapters.factory' error if it comes up.
As I read the v1.8 upgrade docs I also learned that dbt Labs intend to change the way Python adapter dependencies work.

Beginning in v1.8, dbt-core and adapters are decoupled. Going forward, your installations should explicitly include both dbt-core and the desired adapter.

Scanning through the related technical docs, I think the auto-update approach I use will still work as intended without explicitly specifying the core dependency.

Up to now adapters have been required release a new minor version to declare compatibility with dbt-core’s minor version. Post dbt-core version 1.8, adapters will not need to do this. Instead maintainers will need to declare their compatibility with dbt-adapters’ versions.

So, if you're setting your adapter dependency with an open upper bound (eg. dbt-bigquery>=1.8.0 as mine will be shortly) then you should also get the latest compatible dbt-core version each time you run pip install -U -r requirements.txt on your development environment or your build system. I'll post how that shakes out over time.

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