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How to use redis with golang tutorial 2022

The other day I was looking to see how difficult it would be to utilize Redis in a go program, not for a specific use case, just in general. Turns out, it's pretty easy with the help of a few packages.

The one I decided to use to get a feel for it was this package called redigo.

Setup your project redis with go

If you don't have go modules initialized in your project, go ahead and do that.

go mod init

After modules are set up, we need to grab our Redis client package.

go get

Now we should be all ready to go (hah get it, go... I'll stop now)

Connecting to a Redis instance

First, let's connect to our Redis instance.

conn, err := redis.Dial("tcp", "localhost:6379")
if err != nil {
// Handle error
defer conn.Close()

We use the Dial function to connect to the instance, passing in two arguments. The first is the protocol to use and the second is the address to the Redis instance you want to connect to.

Of course, handle errors as you deem necessary.

We also add a deferred called to conn.Close() to ensure our connection gets cleaned up when the program finishes.

Running Redis commands

Setting a value
The redigo package doesn't give us command-specific functions like HMSet or something like that. It simply gives us a method on our connection object called Do that allows us to build and send a Redis command.

_, err = conn.Do(
"Tech Over Tea",
"Brodie Robertson",
if err != nil {
// Handle error

I'm building a Redis command to set multiple fields on a hash with the key of podcast:1

The Do method returns a reply and an error. I wasn't interested in the reply, only if there was a problem setting the hash fields for that key.

Tech Over Tea is an actual podcast done by a guy I've talked to named Brodie Robertson. He tries to mostly stay on tech centered subjects like Linux and crypto.

Reading key values

Now that we have an entry in our Redis instance, let's read some data back out of it.

First, let's get a single field from our hash we just put in there.

title, err := redis.String(conn.Do("HGET", "podcast:1", "title"))
if err != nil {
// handle error

We're using Do again to build and send a Redis command but you'll notice it being wrapped in a method called String. The String method attempts to convert the Redis reply into a Go string. If it can't, it will return an error that we can check.

Next, let's grab ALL the entire hash.

podcastHash, err := redis.StringMap(conn.Do("HGETALL", "podcast:1"))
if err != nil {
// handle error

We use another of those type conversion functions called StringMap, which, if successful returns us a map[string]string that we can iterate over.

Now, that's fine but you know what would be really nice? If we could unmarshal our Redis response into a struct we had defined. Turns out we can do that.

I have a podcast defined here for use.

type Podcast struct {
Title string
Creator string
Category string
Fee float64

You'll notice we've given the struct properties a tag. This tag, not unlike the JSON tag, is used by certain packages to know how to unmarshal our Redis reply into our struct's properties.

So how do we unmarshal our reply into the struct using this package? Well, it is a two-step process. First, we use the Values function from the redigo package to convert our reply into a []interface{}.

values, err := redis.Values(conn.Do("HGETALL", "podcast:1"))
if err != nil {
// handle error

After we have our converted response, we create an instance of our struct and pass both the response and a pointer to our struct instance to a function called ScanStruct.

var podcast Podcast
err = redis.ScanStruct(reply, &podcast)
if err != nil {
// handle error

Assuming no error occurred, if you print your struct using Printf or other fmt functions, you will see that the struct now has the values from our hash!


Now you should be able to write and read data from your Redis instance with your go programs. There are some more advanced concepts you can look into regarding this package, such as connection pooling.

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