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How To Get Any Job You Want - A Guide To Employability Skills

Autumn on April 17, 2019

This is a 34,000 word book I wrote on job applications. It’s now available for free right here, with no catches. Seriously. You do not have to buy ...
theodesp profile image
Theofanis Despoudis

If you have reached this part of the page congratulations! You are hired!

simoroshka profile image
Anna Simoroshka

I just went straight to the comments.

brandonskerritt profile image

Okay this actually made me laugh 😂😂😂😂

temimiah profile image

Took me 4 days to get here!

jenc profile image
Jen Chan

Re: career.
"Happy that you get to work"

Am I allowed to feel this?! Isn't the main problem with millennials in the work place the insane "idealism"/entitlement to a job that "sparks joy"? I almost started skimming through your whole article to make sure you weren't selling a pipedream.

I'm told again and again by working people that work is work; that's why people give you money. Office politics and toxic behaviour are unavoidable, that I should grow up and suck it up if I'm going to last at another job. If not, I might as well bounce from job to job looking for that career-making position that might as well not exist...

Through a recent period of self reflection and deliberate non-work, I've been thinking of ways I can be more vigilant, tactical, and strategic... mwahahaha

marek profile image
Marek Zaluski • Edited

My perspective on this: the ideal job doesn't exist, so you'll never find a job that truly sparks joy (or at least, it's unlikely that you'll find it because it's rare).

On the other hand, it's useful to be critical of your work environment and identify the problems (like what you mentioned: office politics, toxic behaviour) because that tells you when it's time to move on.

In my experience: yes, the result is a lot of bouncing from job to job. That's been my journey because many of the jobs that I found were OK for a while but not worth staying long-term to due their flaws.

Personally I'm a big fan of the following career strategy: change jobs frequently. Leave when you're no longer learning or no longer being chalenged. Company loyalty is dead so we have to adapt to that reality. Eventually you get good at identifying the better workplaces, and better at detecting the red flags of toxic workplaces. On the long run that means you're more likely to find the place for you that sparks joy.

juanfrank77 profile image
Juan F Gonzalez

Epic post mate! you're doing God's work 👍

brandonskerritt profile image

Thank you!!!

brandonskerritt profile image

Hey! This is really good feedback, I'll update the article to include this :)

brandonskerritt profile image
Autumn • Edited

Edit slightly: I actually agree that the shotgun way works quite well, I wrote this book over a year and a bit and my opinions have changed a lot the more - I've learnt things. A lot of the recruitment industry is less "well, this way is perfect" and more "well... it depends". If you want to work for the big 4 of tech, well, yeah, you need to focus on them. But if you just want a job, the shotgun approach works well.

My article failed to talk about this, but I'm going to edit it

david_j_eddy profile image
David J Eddy should give you an award for 'God like epic posts'. :D Well done sir.

brandonskerritt profile image

Thank you so much David!!!

PS: Your article on upgrading WSL is really helpful, tysm for writing that!!!

kyleljohnson profile image
Kyle Johnson

I have to really read this after I have had my coffee.

brandonskerritt profile image

Haha 😂 hope you enjoyed it!

elpak profile image
Panos Kontogiannis

I drink 2 coffee until end, but article is great, congrats :-)

brandonskerritt profile image

Ah nice, hope you enjoyed this article (and your coffee)!

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
brandonskerritt profile image

Thank you for your kind words!! Good luck :)

avgenakis_g profile image
George Avg.

Hey great post.

Have a look in our new product, which automates the job search process!

perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias you nailed it. Thanks a lot

brandonskerritt profile image

Thank you so much!! Hope you like it 😁

brandonskerritt profile image

Thanks for the kind words!