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How to remember everything you learn in code

Sabrina Koumoin on December 01, 2021

SPOILER ALERT: you can't! And the best part is that to be a good developer you don't even have to! πŸ˜• I'm sharing this because at some point in my...
clavinjune profile image
Clavin June

I write everything I learned on my blog, so whenever I need it, I reopen the article.

thecodealchemist profile image
Nyasha Chiroro

This is a great idea. Not only do you benefit, but other people benefit. Try also making small PDFs of what you are learning and maybe monetize them. That could be great. You can use Gumroad to sell them.

clavinjune profile image
Clavin June

I'd like to try to create an e-book, but I think it's hard to sell some, because today's knowledge could be acquired free from anywhere on the internet

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thecodealchemist profile image
Nyasha Chiroro

Check that out. I watched that guy's journey. You can do the same too. The thing is with a PDF you are providing convenience and value to someone. Of course there are a lot of free blogs and videos out there. And yes someone can go through all those blogs and videos and find what they want. But if you do that to them and combine them into an easy to digest format then you are saving them time. That's what they are paying for. Remember there are millions and millions of developers out there. A large number of them still consider books to be the best resource to learn. I'm just saying. Try it out.

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clavinjune profile image
Clavin June

Thanks for the reference! Gonna check that later.

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chiroro_jr profile image

You are welcome.

brinascode profile image
Sabrina Koumoin • Edited

I just checked out Gumroad and it definitely looks like something I could use, thank you so much! πŸ˜„

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thecodealchemist profile image
Nyasha Chiroro

You are welcome. Glad I could help.

brinascode profile image
Sabrina Koumoin

Killing two birds with the same stone πŸ‘ŒπŸΎπŸ”₯

tatianacodes profile image
Tatiana • Edited

Ha, as soon as I saw the title I said out loud: "You don't!"

I think instead of notes (or alongside), we should also emphasize learning to read and navigate documentation. Will pay dividends compared to notetaking when it comes to language features/methods.

brinascode profile image
Sabrina Koumoin

Soo true! When I finally learned to navigate documentation I felt like I got superpowers. We should definitely emphasize that moreπŸ‘ŒπŸΎ

thecodealchemist profile image
Nyasha Chiroro

I used to take physical notes but I realized thats not scalable and searchable. It's tedious. So I'm working on converting to markdown. This way I can even publish my notes onto a blog and even make pdfs from them. I stumbled upon obsidian and typora while I was searching for some good Markdown editors so that's what I'm now using. You can also use VScode. There are plenty of markdown extensions for ghat too. I just picked these because I wanted a separate tool for a separate purpose.

brinascode profile image
Sabrina Koumoin

That’s such a great idea, definitely share your blog when you can!

lil5 profile image
Lucian I. Last

What’s important is knowing the key words to be able to lookup the answer

brinascode profile image
Sabrina Koumoin

Rightt, exactlyy!