DEV Community

Cover image for TripStash
Brindashree C B
Brindashree C B

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What We built

We built a web application called TripStash, a unique and intuitive group travel planning tool that allows users to collaborate, plan, and manage their trips in one place. TripStash not only helps in planning the itinerary, but also lets users add urls (could be reels or just about any other link), add tags, facilitates itinerary voting among group members, and a unique feature that allows users to explore and duplicate "public itineraries". These are user-contributed, finalised travel plans made public for the benefit of the larger community.

Category Submission:

  • Best Overall Project
  • Most Visually Pleasing
  • Most Technical Impressive
  • Best Project built using Supabase as the main data provider for the refine app.

App Link


Landing Page
Landing Page

Explore Public Itineraries
Explore Public Itineraries

Create Project
Create Project

Edit/All your links at one place

Edit/All your links at one place

Your Stash
Your Stash

Itineraries/ Activities planned
Itineraries/ Activities planned

Invite your gang!
Invite your gang!

In-app chats
In-app chats

Final Plan
Final Plan


TripStash simplifies the often complex process of group travel planning. It allows users to create a project, add their travel companions, and collectively build an itinerary by adding individual items like accommodation, flights, sightseeing spots, dining, etc. To facilitate seamless planning, it includes features like a voting system to decide on itinerary items democratically. The added functionality of exploring public itineraries creates a community of travel enthusiasts who can learn from each other's experiences and help in planning a perfect trip.
A key part of TripStash is its simplicity and user-friendly design. The web application provides a clear structure for planning, intuitive UI, and makes it easy to gather all the media links that users often share and discuss in their group chats.

Link to Source Code

Permissive License

MIT License

Background (What made you decide to build this particular app? What inspired you?)

The idea for TripStash was born out of personal frustrations encountered during group travel planning. Deciding on a destination is usually the easy part, but building an actual itinerary is where a lot of discussions happen and differences in opinions emerge. This process, when done through group chats on platforms like WhatsApp, often results in losing track of links, documents, or crucial information amidst the flood of messages. The need for a centralised, collaborative platform was evident. Thus, TripStash was built with an aim to streamline group travel planning, making it fun and efficient, rather than a stressful task. The inspiration came from the current trend of creator economy where user-generated content has immense value. Hence, we decided to incorporate public itineraries, which not only provides value to users looking for tried and tested itineraries but also gives a sense of contribution to those who make their plans public.

Brinda - [dev]
Akshay - [dev]
Rahul - [product & design]

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