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Topic - AWS Cloud Services


Day 2

Overview about S3 Bucket

S3 Bucket — Simple Storage Service:

Image for post
sample image for S3 bucket
What is S3

S3 provides any organization or group with secure, durable and high scalable object storage. It is easy to store and retrieve any amount of data from any location, you can store unlimited amount of data. The file size need to be 0 Byte to 5 TB.

Why S3

It is safe and secure to store files in the form of objects.
It is compatible with multiple devices like laptops, mobile devices, etc.
It can be restrict the access from users by attaching the permissions in policy.
It is easy to identify the bucket because they are universal namespace.
The way you can store objects into S3 bucket is by upload the object, when operation is successful it gives you a code of HTTP 200.
Objects inside the S3 files

Key ( Name used to pass the file to identify).
Value ( Address to find the file).
Metadata( Data about data of objects for example raw data).
Version ID ( versioning attached to bucket).
Sub-resources -> Access Control list , Torrents ( kind of access permissions).
Success Rate for S3 buckets standard

Build for 99.99% of availability for S3 platform.
Amazon guarantees (11*9's)% of durability for storage information.
Amazon guarantees 99.9% of availability.

Tiered storage availability — different level of uploading and storing the objects in S3 buckets.
Life cycle management -> which helps to upload the content in S3 bucket to S3 glacier after certain period of time.
S3 encryption helps to encrypt the content from the outside of the world, which means no one can view the content.
MFA — multi factor authentication can be set up for deletion of objects.
Cross-region replication, you can use the same bucket in multiple regions.
S3 Glacier — It is secure , durable and low-cost storage class, the amount of storage charges will less than storage on-premisis. The retrieval period of objects will be from minutes to hours depending on storage.

S3 Glacier deep archive- It is Amazon S3’s lowest-cost storage class where the retrieval period will be 12 hours in acceptable.

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