DEV Community

Discussion on: I am one of the world’s leading experts on sloths and the founder of The Sloth Conservation Foundation, ask me anything!

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Brooks Forsyth

How smart are sloths?

How do you feel about the portrayal of sloths in Zootopia?

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Sloth Conservation

Sloth intelligence is a very poorly studied topic. It is true that sloths have small brains compared to their body size, however scientists are now realizing that this actually doesn't relate to intelligence at all. The brains of sloths might be small but they are very much focused on the specific skills that they need for survival. For example, the section of the brain that controls forelimb movement is well developed for careful climbing, and the sloths spatial memory is particularly impressive. Having a good spatial memory is important for sloths as they are almost completely blind on bright sunny days - they navigate around their home ranges using their memory and sense of smell! However, the sloths social skills and problem solving abilities are somewhat lacking, which often leads to them being labelled as "stupid".

LOVE Zootopia. I think a Flash won the hearts of many people who are now devoted sloth supporters! I particularly liked that they emphasized the sloths being slow, rather than lazy :)