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Cover image for My Default Environment: Netlify + Vite + React
James Thompson
James Thompson

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My Default Environment: Netlify + Vite + React

What is Netlify?

Netlify is my go-to build+deploy platform of choice. It's hard to beat the exceptional Developer Experience (DX) and speedy Zero to One deployments from hackathons to side hustles to your next favorite startup idea.


Netlify makes it super easy, with minimal configuration, to integrate with multiple platforms and allows you to focus on your code, as opposed to other cloud-native platforms that are more hands-on. Each has its benefits and drawbacks.

Netifly works great for me on GitHub, since they provide a free plan with reasonable includes without dropping down a credit card.

What is Vite? Rhymes with "Jeep" and "Beep"

Vite (rhymes with "Jeep") is the next-generation build environment. It problem solves for several pain points in the modern build process. It also supports many of your favorite tech stacks today, with a large set of community-supported templates.

Because you can

You may not always have an opportunity to change your CI/CD environment, so you might have to propose gradual changes based on the complexity of your pipelines and tech stack. Abandon your current build environment and give this a'll thank me later. πŸ™Œ

Photo courtesy of Alex Andrew on Unsplash

Another article in the 1Password Hackathon series by @builditdeploy

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