Episode Panelists
- Kai Davis
- Reuven Lerner
- Marg Reffell
- Jeremy Green
- Erik Dietrich
- Meg Cumby
Panel Picks
Each episode, the panel (and guest) share their picks: a book, app, service, resource, or something else that they're enjoying and recommend you check out:
- Glo: glo.com (Kai Davis)
- CleanShot: cleanshot.com (Reuven Lerner)
- Guesstimate Jones - Layer Cake: layercake.band (Jeremy Green)
- Atomic Habits by James Clear: jamesclear.com/atomic-habits (Meg Cumby)
- Gusto: gusto.com (Erik Dietrich)
- Building a Story Brand by Donald A. Miller: buildingastorybrand.com (Marg Reffell)
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