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⚰️C# in 2022 — Will it die?

ByteHide on October 25, 2021

👉 C# is a dead programming language 👉 C# is useless 👉 C# is a poor programming language You’ve obviously heard about it, which is what brought you...
frankszendzielarz profile image
Frank Szendzielarz

I feel the title is somewhat "clickbaity". It would be best rephrased as, perhaps, "is my investment in learning C# likely to be lost in the short term?" or something akin. I find it interesting, amusing even, that the notion is even entertained, but.. .oh well.

mosthated profile image

I feel it is extremely clickbaity, and unfortunately for the author, makes me not take the article seriously before I even look at it. Please don't do this.

No one found the article because we thought C# was dead, we found it because we like looking up C# stuff, saw it, and thought to ourselves "wtf is this person going on about".

tombohub profile image

I agree, programmers should think logically and logic here is obvious. Why even question will something that's existing for 20 years, backed up by one of the biggest company on planet, die? I'll bet that Javascript is gonna die before than C#

vballester profile image

From my personal point of view, I see it as very correct. The title is made based on what many people say, which is that C# is dead. And this article simply talks about whether those people are right.

Regarding your idea of "is my investment in learning C# likely to be lost in the short term?" I find it very curious and good. I really think they could do an article like this analyzing data and statistics!

mosthated profile image

No one has said or thinks C# is dead, minus clickbait titles/articles.

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kevinmitnick412 profile image
kevinmitnick412 • Edited

We will simply type in Google "C# dyi..."

Google autocomplete = Lots of people searching for it.


Ohh, no small number of people are looking for it.


"Other user questions" = The article, post, video or whatever best answers the user's search (and no, it's not for SEO for typing 4634069 times the search term) but based on user acceptance, reading and session time.


Conclusion: That I say that many people say, write, search and ask that C# is dead and/or dying is correct. Another thing is ignorance (which seems to be your case).

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timleg002 profile image
Timotej Leginus

For every language that exists, there are people thinking it's going to die.
Holds true: whether it's C#, C, C++, Rust, Java, Kotlin, Go, D..

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minchulkim87 profile image
Min • Edited

Discussions about the rise and fall of programming languages have always been around. From looking at the popularity measure of C# though, it hasn't gained or lost much for many years. Together with C++ and Java, C# has maintained ground even as Python, TypeScript, Swift, Kotlin, Go, and Rust gained rapid popularity.

When newer languages explode in popularity it is natural to talk about whether the momentum is big enough to replace an existing popular language. But to suggest that typing in "C# dyi" into Google, which basically only has one English word that would fit that pattern, and two results coming up containing the word "dying" indicating that many people think that the language is dying, is misleading oneself. It means that significant number of searches containing "C# dying" were requested in the past. It doesn't mean that it is being searched much, nor that the searches were recent. In fact, despite it being a mismatch, the first suggested completion is "C# dynamic" - which indicates that most people do not question whether C# is dying. (I.e. Google seach thinks it is a stretch, but if you really are looking for it, then other people have search those terms too.)

Ultimately it doesn't matter, I'm sure that the author and the commenter meant well, and there is no harm done in jotting one's opinions down for a discussion. I am going to point out that from what I have observed from various technical forums and social media, at least from programmers who don't use C# day-to-day, C# is definitely not considered by any significant portion of people as a dying language.

hitzz07 profile image

But if its not for the title , I think most of them had skipped this article.

minchulkim87 profile image
Min • Edited

And this is why I am okay with somewhat clickbaity titles. It's a balancing act. I do hope that the articles motivates, or develops the story though. What I mean is, for clickbait titles, if the article then does not justify why that title was chosen, then there is a discontinuity in the story, and that is not satisfying to the reader.

For example, this article could have benefitted from an opening that says something along the lines of "I have come across recent blog posts about the falling popularity of C# (references such blogs). Why are these people suggesting this and is it true? Let's find out." - you know, something like that.

As it is written, the article says:

  • C# was made by Microsoft, and is kinda like Java but kinda like C++.
  • C# is used in many areas of computing.
  • Is it dying? No.
  • Consider learning it. It will take you however long it takes you.

It doesn't really get to the title "is C# dying?" in a meaningful way: questions like who is asking, or why it is being asked, or whether there is merit to the question - questions that readers might have are never resolved.

qm3ster profile image
Mihail Malo • Edited


vballester profile image

I love how C# is evolving, especially Unity.😍

zangassis profile image
Assis Zang

C# is getting more and more like Javascript, and that's really cool!!! I love C#, for me it's the most beautiful and elegant language there is ✨🎉💖 Great article!

vballester profile image

I agree with what you said! I really like the versatility that C# has compared to other programming languages 🔥🔥.

How long have you been developing in .NET? (Just curiosity, I've been developing for a little while hehe😅)

zangassis profile image
Assis Zang

Hey vballester! I've been programming in C# for 7 years, I can say that the language has evolved a lot.

eckdaniel profile image
Danny Eck

C# and typescript certainly have a common ancestor in the family tree 😀

mindplay profile image
Rasmus Schultz

His name is Anders Hejlsberg 😉

timleg002 profile image
Timotej Leginus

Could you explain some of it's elegant features for me?

tnypxl profile image

I'd say it's actually the opposite. JavaScript is becoming more like C# with Typescript.

mikey__joel profile image
Mikey Joel

Ignoring all the typos, Unity Engine is not written in C#. It's written in C/C++ and there is even a Pro subscription for actually using some of the internal functionality and modifying in C/C++. Unity uses JavaScript or C# for scripting. Some of the other topics about C# were a bit off. Try focusing more on the actual content for each paragraph, review, get some internal critiques from former C# devs instead of spending time on each emoji next time. Good Luck! 🤘

kevinmitnick412 profile image
kevinmitnick412 • Edited

I think Microsoft says it all in "Unity Developing Your First Game with Unity and C#":

mikey__joel profile image
Mikey Joel • Edited

Microsoft is Microsoft, Unity is Unity(Which is why that post hasn't been updated since 2015). Every Pro subscriber has access to the Source Code which is written in C/C++ as detailed on their official website in the Source Code section 😉:

jayjeckel profile image
Jay Jeckel

Unity used to support a javascript-like language known as UnityScript, however support for UnityScript was deprecated in 2017 and is no longer officially supported. The rest of your comment is spot on.

mikey__joel profile image
Mikey Joel

Thanks Jay! This is very important especially for those that later on plan on taking the Unity Certifications.

qm3ster profile image
Mihail Malo

UnityScript (JS dialect) has been discontinued

ibrahimmf738 profile image
Ibrahim Mohamed Farah

I love C# is one of the easiest programing language to learn

dsaghliani profile image

Unity, the game engine, is actually written in C and C++. But we developers do indeed write scripts for our Unity games in C#.

I'm also not sure I agree with your time estimate on learning the language. If you're a complete beginner, maybe, but if you already have some experience in programming, it shouldn't take long at all. I had learned Java in college and jumped into writing games in Unity without ever having to explicitly learn C#. Of course, I picked up many of C#'s unique features and nuances over the years, but little of it was necessary to use the language effectively.

dacardona profile image
David Cardona

I think that the title is very yellowish and facilitates the confucion of people who dont finish the article

lidiaaa08 profile image

I believe that every editor has the right to have all his articles read in their entirety. And the truth is that I found this one quite interesting. And the answer has been saved for the end haha

jwilliams profile image
Jessica williams

As a software development company, we have closely observed the trends in programming languages. While the tech landscape constantly evolves, it's highly unlikely that C# will die in 2022. With its strong foundation, versatility, and continuous advancements by Microsoft, C# remains a popular choice for building robust applications. It powers various domains such as web, desktop, mobile, and game development. In fact, the demand for skilled C# developers is on the rise, making it a smart choice for companies looking to hire talent for their projects. So, it's safe to say that C# is here to stay!

iiwaasnet profile image
Sergey Ivasenko • Edited

If they would not make using async/await less painful, i would say it might be dead soon. Now, make an unconscious move and add an async call somewhere deep in your app and you will regret. You would need to change tons of interfaces and not only. VS built-in analyzer support for missing awaits is not that good.
Just to add, i like c# a lot and especially later change to more functional direction. But they should do something with async...

mellen profile image
Matt Ellen-Tsivintzeli

I have never heard anyone say c# is dying or dead. Where did you hear that?

kevinmitnick412 profile image

We will simply type in Google "C# dyi..."

Google autocomplete = Lots of people searching for it.


Ohh, no small number of people are looking for it.


"Other user questions" = The article, post, video or whatever best answers the user's search (and no, it's not for SEO for typing 4634069 times the search term) but based on user acceptance, reading and session time.


Conclusion: That I say that many people say, write, search and ask that C# is dead and/or dying is correct. Another thing is ignorance (which seems to be your case).

mellen profile image
Matt Ellen-Tsivintzeli

Google put us each in our own bubbles. I get no such auto complete.

It's a ludicrous thought that C# is dying, given the large number of jobs and the fact that MS supports it. It seems the people who think it is dying are quite ignorant indeed!

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kevinmitnick412 profile image

That's why I think they made this article, especially for ignorant people. Just because they are ignorant people doesn't mean that "C# is dying" is not wanted.

(I did the search with incognito mode. That way Google doesn't take preference from my previous searches. Which means that's what people are really searching for).

megadev81 profile image
Paul Hughes

C# is my top language and my go to language for Unity and .Net Core, C++/Blueprints for Unreal Engine is a close 2nd . These days learning JS and Python is necessary as there are new frameworks and tools popping up left right and centre and JS(Ecmascript 20**) is getting better every year, learning Typescript should be on the list too, Python you can't escape the "New" beginner developer who just sticks with Python and blows that hissing trumpet as if it's the only language in the world, passionate lot these guys! I like Java but prefer C# and use it more because of Unity and .Net Core, I've had a go at well GO and find it ok, reminds me of C and Python had a baby, goroutines are pretty nice though. Swift I've read up on but not built anything yet, maybe a small iOS app in the future. I've read some F# as well as I do like Microsofts Languages, they sure know how to make them. I always wondered if MS would try make a "python" type language since TS for JS and C# for Java/C++, F# for Functional, but see they have IronPython, might have a look into that but doesn't seem to have taken off much? I'm sure MS will pull another language out the bag as they seem to make popular languages even better! Oh well bk to C# 😋

pangamma profile image
Taylor Love • Edited

C sharp has one of the most active developer discords I have ever seen in my entire life. There's no way c sharp is going to die. If anything I'd say it's having a resurgence.

cbordeman profile image
Chris Bordeman • Edited

This author should be banned for an extremely click baitey article that provides absolutely no useful content.

mscnewscntnt profile image


Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
tswiftma profile image

I've been using C# for almost 20 years it's very easy to learn, write and debug and has lots of great libraries. There are many jobs developing with C# but they tend to be with the more established established companies not startups. I've also written in C++ (hate), Java (like) and Javascript (interesting but very different). I'm pretty content at my current job to use both C# and Javascript. Best to learn it all!

2chevskii profile image

Where in the world did you get the idea that Unity is written in c#? Do you even try to investigate into things you are writing articles about, or all you are capable of is making clickbaity titles?

incoventures profile image
Igor Popov

I have a few more titles for your next articles. Is Javascript dying? Is Python dying? Is dying?

azlan_syed profile image

My Answer Is NO C# is never gonna die

zangassis profile image
Assis Zang • Edited

C# 10 is simplifying the syntax, an example is the Minimal APIs

basspod profile image
Paul ODell

Click bait on that title. But a very informative article explaining how valuable a skill C# is.

ameerit profile image
Ameer Adel

boy oh boy
another source to block over google

asapsonter profile image
Sam Sonter

I am going to study C# next week lol. My Python alternitive