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Caleb Yeboah
Caleb Yeboah

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Automating Bulk WhatsApp Messaging for CRM: A Python Script

Python Script Automation

In today's fast-paced world, communication is key for businesses looking to engage with their clients and customers effectively. For many, WhatsApp has become a preferred channel due to its popularity and accessibility. However, sending individual messages to a large contact list can be time-consuming and inefficient. To address this challenge, we've developed a Python script that automates bulk WhatsApp messaging, making it easy to reach out to clients and customers seamlessly.


WhatsApp is a powerful tool for connecting with clients and customers. However, sending messages to a long list of contacts manually can be a daunting task. Our Python script streamlines this process by allowing you to send bulk messages via WhatsApp. This script is designed to integrate seamlessly into a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, providing a more efficient way to communicate with your contacts.

Key Features

Our WhatsApp bulk messaging script comes with several key features:

1. Bulk Messaging: Send messages to multiple contacts at once, reducing the time and effort required for communication.

2. Customizable Messages: Personalize messages for each contact by using placeholders for contact information.

3. Contact List: Import a list of contacts from a CSV file, making it easy to manage your recipient list.

4. Automated Messaging: Schedule messages to be sent at specific times, allowing you to reach your contacts when it's most convenient.

5. Logging: Keep track of sent messages and any errors, ensuring transparency in your messaging process.


Before you get started, you'll need a few things in place:

Getting Started

To begin automating your WhatsApp messaging, follow these steps:

1. Clone or Download the Repository

You can find the script in our GitHub repository. Clone or download it to your local machine.

2. Install Dependencies

Use pip to install the required selenium library.

pip install selenium
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

4. Run the Script

Execute the script using the following command:

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The script will guide you through the process of logging in to WhatsApp Web.

5. Send Bulk Messages

Follow the on-screen instructions, and the script will begin sending messages to your contacts based on your settings.

Usage Tips

Here are some tips to help you make the most of this script:

  • Keep your WhatsApp Web session open while the script is running.
  • Adjust the implicitly_wait to control the rate of message sending and avoid being flagged as spam.
  • Customize the contact.xlsx to include personalized information from your contact list.

License and Disclaimer

This project is open-source and licensed under the MIT License. Please use this script responsibly and ensure compliance with WhatsApp's terms of service and any applicable laws and regulations. The authors of this script are not responsible for any misuse or violation of WhatsApp's policies.


Efficient communication with clients and customers is essential for businesses of all sizes. Our WhatsApp bulk messaging script simplifies the process, allowing you to reach out to your contacts in a more organized and time-effective manner. By automating bulk messaging, you can focus on building stronger relationships with your clients and customers while saving valuable time and effort. Give it a try, and streamline your CRM communication today!

Top comments (1)

bobaidoo profile image

Not a bad blog .