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Cansu Tekin
Cansu Tekin

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Automated user migration and management of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources

Automated user migration and management of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources

In this project based on a real-world scenario, I acted as Cloud Specialist with the mission to migrate users in an automated way and manage AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management) resources.

There were 100 users that needed to be migrated and have MFA (Multi-factor authentication) enabled on their accounts, as this is a security best practice.

Using GitBash with AWS CLI and Shell Script, I avoided repetitive and manual tasks in the AWS console and automated the processes.

PART-1: On-Premises Migration to AWS

Create 5 user groups, attach policies, and migrate users from the on-premise environment

CloudAdmin: AdministratorAccess, IAMUserChangePassword

**NetworkAdmin: **VPCFullAccess, IAMUserChangePassword

DatabaseAdmin: AmazonRDSFullAccess, IAMUserChangePassword

**LinuxAdmin: **AmazonEC2FullAccess, IAMUserChangePassword

**Trainees: **ReadOnlyAccess, IAMUserChangePassword

PART-2: Enable MFA (MultiFactor Authentication) on your root and IAM users applying the IAM Password Policy

Create a custom policy, named **EnforceMFAPolicy.json, **for the MFA and add it to each user group, then enable it for root and each IAM user.

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