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Caroline Wattson
Caroline Wattson

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Understanding Broken Authentication and Its Risks for Your Company.


In today's digital age, protecting consumer identity is paramount. However, even with authentication measures in place, hackers can still find ways to impersonate legitimate users and access your system. This can lead to severe consequences for your business, including loss of revenue and customer trust.

What is Broken Authentication?

Broken authentication is a serious security risk that businesses must address to protect themselves from cyber attacks. When a hacker gains access to an admin's account through credential or session management weaknesses, it can lead to significant financial and reputational losses.

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The Devastating Effects of Broken Authentication and Session Management on Your Business

When a hacker gains access to your system using stolen credentials, they can use your privileges to cause serious damage to your business operations. This underscores the importance of implementing strong authentication measures to protect your sensitive data.

Cybercriminals can have various intentions of hijacking your web application, such as:

  1. Stealing critical business data
  2. Identity theft
  3. Sending fraud calls or emails.
  4. Creating malicious software programs for disrupting networks.
  5. Cyberterrorism
  6. Cyberstalking
  7. Selling illegal items on the dark web
  8. Sharing fake news on social media

How to Prevent Broken Authentication?

The following are the ways of preventing broken authentication attacks:

  1. Ensuring User Identity with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for Platform Security.
  2. Best Practices for Password Creation: Use a Combination of Characters to Enhance Security.
  3. The Role of Maximum Login Attempts in Preventing Brute-Force Attacks.
  4. Best Practices for Mitigating Account Enumeration Attacks Through Response Message Standardization.
  5. Safeguarding User Accounts with Session IDs that are Invalidated after Logout.


By implementing robust security measures and educating your team on best practices, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of successful broken authentication attacks. Investing in cybersecurity is not only essential for protecting your platform and customers but also for maintaining your company's reputation and credibility.

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