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Ditch VSCode for neovim

Cason Adams on September 19, 2020

I found myself in the past always reaching for VSCode when I start working on a new project, or a code base I am not really familiar with. Simply ...
himujjal profile image
Himujjal Upadhyaya

Yet another install NeoVim on your *nix machines and configs. What about Windows?

Tmux doesnt support Windows. And before someone suggests me to switch to Linux. I would say Been there, done that, regretted that.

vonheikemen profile image
Heiker • Edited

You're not missing too much by not using tmux. Find yourself a terminal that supports tabs and split panes and you're done. I used cmder in the past, it was good and supports split panes.

There is also the new windows terminal, which is called windows terminal. That also looks good. Or maybe one of those electron based terminal like this one.

Another thing you can try is use neovim itself as a replacement for tmux. Using neovim-qt and this plugin.

casonadams profile image
Cason Adams • Edited

nvimux looks pretty awesome thanks for the suggestion! Alacritty terminal is the only terminal that doesn’t have lag. Most of those electron based ones are super laggy! They are awesomely full featured, but with that there are trade offs.

I really love tmux because I can use it as a server and pair program:)

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carlosarmmag profile image
Carlos Magalhães

I really hate lags in terminals. One of the main reasons I did not switch to VSCode!
RStudio has the best terminal IDE I found so far!

himujjal profile image
Himujjal Upadhyaya

Never mind guys. I switched to Linux now. Everything is even-steven.

Thing is I don't find devs talking about Windows compatibility and with rumours of Windows NT kernel being replaced by Linux one, I though it would be wise to get on the train sooner. I won't complain though. Windows has given me so many games and things to not worry about. It has its pros and cons just like Linux has its.

Also, I have stopped playing games since the last 6 months. So, I didn't require Windows. I switched to Garuda Linux and everything is working good.

Anyways thanks for the suggestion.

regankoopmans profile image
Regan Koopmans

I have neovim running on Windows. With the new terminal it works really well.

ducaale profile image
Mohamed Dahir

Have you tried WSL2 before? You then should be able to do pretty much everything in this post.

reobin profile image
Robin Gagnon

I just started using tmux. I used the tabs and panes my terminal emulator provided for years and it works perfectly fine.

robole profile image
Rob OLeary

You didnt get into the outcome, was it worth all this configuration? Speed? Ease of use? Could you replicate the same features? Any disadvantages?

I guess for Windows, this is off limits, unless you use WSL.

casonadams profile image
Cason Adams

Yeah I don’t do windows.

vlasales profile image
Vlastimil Pospichal
set noswapfile


casonadams profile image
Cason Adams

I prefer to use the undofile and not deal with the swapfile. undofile is nice because I can close vi and reopen and still undo changes I made before.

windwp profile image

he use undofile. i came neovim from vscode too and the swap file is so annoy. i already have git and undofile then i don't need it

windwp profile image

you map to many key for function key in alacrtty . what is the purpose to do that

casonadams profile image
Cason Adams

This is a pretty vanilla alacritty.yml file (or at least less then a year ago). Honestly I don't use any of them.

crash180 profile image
Kevin Eldridge

Asking the important questions

vic0de profile image
Vishnu Dileesh

Looks good, I too have recently switched fully into using NeoVim.

mrcartoonster profile image
Evan E. Baird

Thank you! Do you have these configs in a dotfile in a repo somewhere?

casonadams profile image
Cason Adams • Edited


You might be interested in this idea too